Project: Rogue (NZXT SFF)

I've not made much progress on it since last week. I had company over the weekend, and was too tired to work on it last night. I did fire up the Via board though... Expect an update on that tonight. :D
Update time! I've been a busy guy, so I thought I'd share the fun with all of you. There's no sense in waiting, so I'll jump right in...

Last night I was too tired to dremel, but I still wanted to make progress. That left me with a few different things I could do to pass the time. I ended up choosing the one that seemed the most fun. So, enter the Via Epia Pico-ITX integrated motherboard... Just to recap the purpose of this board, it will be a dedicated download and storage box. It will reside inside the Rogue, and be networked both by wired and wireless. The 10.2" widescreen belongs to the Epia, and the whole thing will be controlled by a program called Synergy. This will allow full control of the box, without the need for a dedicated keyboard and mouse. The Epia system is something that can be left on at all times regardless of whether or not the Rogue is on. There's really not much sense in leaving the Rogue on to suck down power while I download stuff overnight...

So, let's get on with the pics. Some of these may look familiar, but for the sake of continuity, I am reposting them here. Putting the Via system together couldn't have been any easier. I only encountered one problem, which I will cover below.






The Epia will have 2 hard drives attached. There is a 40 GB laptop drive for the OS, and a 750 GB drive for storage.


In this picture, you can get an idea of how small a Pico-ITX board really is. It's not much bigger than a laptop drive.


It's getting 1 GB of memory...


And a 90 watt power supply...


Putting the system together is as easy as dropping the memory in the slot on the rear of the board...


And plugging the cables in to their respective jacks. It may not be pretty right now, but it will look much better in the case.


Time to fire it up!


A quick trip though the BIOS...


A little while later, and I've got XP loaded, and all is right with the world... with one exception... the 750 GB drive is nowhere to be seen. It's not showing in 'My Computer' or the device manager, so it's time to reboot. Well, it wasn't showing in the BIOS either. A bad drive? Shouldn't be, it's brand new. So I try 2 more drives and they all have the same problem. Crap, I'm thinking, what do I do now. There's no setting that I seem to have forgotten, but I still can't get any SATA drive to show up. Well, time to troubleshoot. I started with the first thing I noticed, and that was the fact that I couldn't hear the drive spinning up. So, it must be a power problem. I pull out my tester, and sure enough, no power at the plug. I pulled that SATA connector apart and reseated the wires. I then restarted the computer, and the problem was gone. Woohoo!

Tonight I got a little more work done on the top panel, in addition to playing with the Via system.

Here is the completed top. All the edges are filed and sanded clean. It's also got the holes drilled for the fan wires. It's almost ready for paint, but I've got a few more things I want to do first.


I want to keep everything neat and organized, and this little piece is going to help me do that.


A few minutes later, I pull this out of the metal brake.


A little dremel work.


Finally! This is a cover for the fan wires. All wires will be hidden and routed to the front through this.



More to come!
WOW....i didnt think that pico was THAT small!

how well does it run XP? (i might have to find one of them buggers!)

And that top is looking very nice too!

Keep up the great works craig
Very nice work. I love the Epia Pico-ITX. Gonna have to check those out for monitoring boxes at work.
Great, i love the work on the top panel!

Btw, i had a look into synergy and it really rocks. So much easier to control 2+ computers then using vnc or multiswitches. Too bad they discontinued it, but the current stable is running fine with my setup. (1*win2k3 server, 2*xp)
WOW....i didnt think that pico was THAT small!

how well does it run XP? (i might have to find one of them buggers!)

And that top is looking very nice too!

Keep up the great works craig

Yeah, Pico is damn small. I'm still amazed by it's size. It got kind of lost in the maze of wires on my counter. Hell, it's smaller than my mouse... It seems to run XP very well, of course, it's running 1 GB of ram as well. I'm very happy with it. Thanks!

Very nice work. I love the Epia Pico-ITX. Gonna have to check those out for monitoring boxes at work.

Thanks! They are definitely nice little boxes. I'm very impressed so far.

Great, i love the work on the top panel!

Btw, i had a look into synergy and it really rocks. So much easier to control 2+ computers then using vnc or multiswitches. Too bad they discontinued it, but the current stable is running fine with my setup. (1*win2k3 server, 2*xp)

Synergy is all sorts of awesome. Although it hasn't been updated in a while, the developer is supposed to be working on a version 2.0. Let's hope he gets it done soon!
how does synergy work if only one of the computers is on? lets say you only want to turn on the via system and start some downloads or something. how do you control it, without turning on the main system?

or do you have to turn them both on at first and then turn off the main once you set everything up in the mini?
i think since he is going to have the pico system on all the time he would run that as the server.
how does synergy work if only one of the computers is on? lets say you only want to turn on the via system and start some downloads or something. how do you control it, without turning on the main system?

or do you have to turn them both on at first and then turn off the main once you set everything up in the mini?

Synergy won't work if only one computer is on. There are several ways I plan on working around this. The first is by sourcing a touchscreen for the LCD. There is also the option of controlling it remotely either by another Synergy equipped computer, or LogMeIn. I've also been looking in to some sort of integrated trackpad type of device... ;) I'm definitely exploring my options there.
thats going to be an awesome system to see runing craigbru, get it up bro!
Another day, another update! I've got a few different things I've been working on, so I'll get right to it.

Of all the things I need to get done, I decided to work a little more on the motherboard tray. Since the laptop DVD drives are IDE, I thought I'd take a little time to work on hiding the IDE cable.

Here I've marked out the motherboard tray for the slot I need to make.





With the slot cut in the motherboard, I thought I'd work on getting those DVD drives covered up. So, I've marked out a piece of aluminum, and it's ready for cutting.


The piece is cut and ready for the brake.




The cover fits like a glove...

Now that the DVD drives have a cover, I need to make a mount for the Meanwell PSU. The Meanwell unit will sit right above the DVD drives in the front of the case.

As with everything else, I've marked out where I need to cut, and make my bends.


A little dremel work, and it's all cut out.


Time for the brake!






Looking good!

one thing that amazes me is how much stuff I "stuff" into a SFF case. But this is NUTTS, I have to hand it to you.
(and your work is beautiful too)
one thing that amazes me is how much stuff I "stuff" into a SFF case. But this is NUTTS, I have to hand it to you.
(and your work is beautiful too)

I feel I'm definitely carrying on the L.O.S.I.A.S tradition. In fact, guys like us should call it Stuffed Form Factor... ;)
I've been playing around a little tonight... I haven't ordered the fan grills yet, so I've been trying to finalize my thoughts, and get exactly the look I wanted. While I was fairly happy with my original design, I've been feeling like it might be missing a little 'something'. That being said, here is one of my revised designs. What do you all think?

I really like the added slots (thank god for laser cutting ;) )

Thanks! I've been hoping to get some feedback today, because I plan on ordering tonight. After looking at the new version, the old one looks so plain...
I like the slots as well, reminds me of finned aluminium valve covers and fits right it with your nice, somewhat subtle theme. Are those actually going to be cut out or laser etched or something else?

Great work on everything so far. I've really enjoyed watching this project move along and am looking forward to seeing the rest. :)

I like the slots as well, reminds me of finned aluminium valve covers and fits right it with your nice, somewhat subtle theme. Are those actually going to be cut out or laser etched or something else?

Great work on everything so far. I've really enjoyed watching this project move along and am looking forward to seeing the rest. :)


Valve covers were exactly what I used as inspiration when I revised the grill. Front Panel Express will do the milling for me, and I believe they are actually milled, as opposed to a laser cutting. The will be milled to a depth of 1mm on the face. Believe it or not, the price difference between a surface milling, and an actual hole is quite large. I think the milling will do the job quite nicely.

Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying the work. I had planned on having it wrapped up in 3 weeks, as I have a large LAN to go to, but I don't think I'll have it finished. I will have it running, but I don't know if I can pull off completed. I'm sure going to try!
I also really like the slot additions to the grill

And i have to say thank got for a place like Front Panel Express! (if it wasnt for them....there would be alot of neat projects that wouldnt be done lol)

I like the way your stealthing the dvd drives and ide cables, looks very good.

Lets hope it can be pulled off by the time the LAN comes around :)
I've got a bit of a revision here due to input from E.E.L. Ambiense over at bit-tech. It's going to cost a little more, but I like it.

Update time!

Well, I survived the Easter holiday with the family. Of course that meant no time for modding over the weekend. I was finally able to get back on it last night. It seems that there are a hundred different things that need to be done, and half of them require something else to be finished first. Hopefully you will see some big progress over the next two weeks, and get some idea of where I'm actually headed with this. This case is like a giant puzzle. Every piece has it's place, and there is indeed a method to my madness. Spare room is measured in millimeters. Even so, I've tried to keep compromises to a minimum. You've seen me work on quite a few things up to this point, and most of those things are still a step or two away from being finished. I assure you, that will be changing shortly! I'm my harshest critic, and tend to be a bit of a perfectionist. My work is by no means perfect, but I want it to be. Sometimes I can fabricate a piece that is just slightly off. Sometimes by less than a mm. I constantly weigh the pros an cons of making a new piece. Sometimes I move on simply because the difference is invisible to the naked eye, but I never forget it's there... It drives me crazy sometimes... So, is there a point to this rambling? Of course! For all of you following this log, your patience will be rewarded. I can see the end in sight! So, let's get on with it!

Here is an example of what I mentioned above. Even though I've got other things not quite finished, those things are waiting on the following piece. I've got to mount the hard drives somewhere, don't I? Well, in order to get some idea of placement, I had to drop a few components in to the case. Here you will get a pretty good idea of how tight things are going to be. This is where my planning, and a little good luck have payed off!






So, here is the piece I've marked out. This will hold all the hard drives, as well as be a mounting point for the Via Epia system.


After the cut...


Holes? Yes, lots of holes... This was something I needed to do in order to bend the aluminum cleanly. This piece is 2 mm aluminum, and really hates being bent in the brake. Especially wide pieces. I suppose I may have been able to get it bent correctly, but this was a much easier way to ensure that it happened. By drilling a hole every millimeter, I was able to make the aluminum much more receptive to bending in the brake. It really didn't have a significant impact on the materials strength, so the trade-off was worth it.


Finally, here is the piece with the final bends done.


It isn't completed yet though, and finishing this piece is where I'll pick up tonight.

As a side note, I have something pretty cool arriving today. Expect more pics tonight!
All the aluminum was bought at FrozenCPU. I've bought more of it than I had hoped I would need, but you can't argue with the way it looks.
Well, I came home to a long awaited package on my doorstep. Might as well get right in to it!








Wow, the panels look great. Kudos to Front Panel Express. I'm more anxious than ever to get this thing put together and get it lit up. A little red CCFL lighting is really going to make these things stand out!

I've also ordered the fan grills... expect to see those in about 10 days. Woohoo!
WOW, them do look really good craig!

I cant wait to see the grills now!

This thing is going to be a big sleeper on performance!
never would have thought that anybody could pack so much stuff inside a SFF case...looks like NZXT did a very nice job designing the Rogue
LOL its not what NZXT did but what Craig did. And FPD :D

I know :p

what i ment is the fact that they put soo much room in such a small case!

and Craig is using every bit of it! :p

FPE (front panel exprese) did an awesome job on them grills too!

Keep the pics and updates a comin Craig!

lookin good!

Awsome so far! loving it!

a note about those DvD drives: finding slim slot loaders is a bloody pain task from something resembling a reputable dealer. got a few bookmarks when i do my case mod project.(yes, i'm planning a mod log. 80% sure its gonna be a antec 900) also, anyone thinking of using them, remember you need a converter panel for the back to goto IDE, since most of them are laptop 50 pin connectors. Directon has them for like 10 bucks. Slim laptopDvD drive adapter

Your notion about just using the 6 fans is a great idea.. just wondering if you are going to seal all of the ports/holes/exit slots with something to really seal the case up and force the air out of the rads?

Awsome so far! loving it!

a note about those DvD drives: finding slim slot loaders is a bloody pain task from something resembling a reputable dealer. got a few bookmarks when i do my case mod project.(yes, i'm planning a mod log. 80% sure its gonna be a antec 900) also, anyone thinking of using them, remember you need a converter panel for the back to goto IDE, since most of them are laptop 50 pin connectors. Directon has them for like 10 bucks. Slim laptopDvD drive adapter

Your notion about just using the 6 fans is a great idea.. just wondering if you are going to seal all of the ports/holes/exit slots with something to really seal the case up and force the air out of the rads?

Thanks! You're right about slot load drives being a little difficult to find. I've thought about buying a spare or two just to have on hand. If one goes out on my, I don't want to be in a bind. I love these Pioneers though. They are some of best drives I've ever used, slot load or not.

The case will be fairly sealed. Through the radiators will definitely be the path of least resistance for the air.