PS3 has Netflix support now !!!

Wow, thats awesome! One of my co-workers was boasting about how his 360 has Netflix with its expansive library. Now, I can rub it in his face. Glad I bought a PS3 even though I probably won't use Netflix.
my ps3 has always had netflix support : Blu rays from netflix + ps3 = win ;)
so wait is this the PS3 or some cludgey 3rd party?

i mean this type of thing as been available for the Xbox via the Vista Media Center for a bit now..

the topic should read, Playon now supports Netflix on the PS3..

the PS3 itself isn't supporting Netflix (i actually got excited about this until i read it was just a 3rd party tool)
I dunno how much I like this setup. I haven't tried it, but it seems to use a pc to get video from the net, then streams it over to the ps3. Can anyone confirm this is what it actually does?
yea its PC streaming

you can read about it Here
PlayonSite said:
PlayOn is software you install on your Windows PC. With it, you can use your game console to watch Internet content from sites like Hulu and YouTube—directly on your TV
Meh, the PS3 doesn't have Netflix support, that piece of software has Netflix support. Let me know how well it keeps working when Netflix changes their protocols or something.

By this logic, the 360 has had Netflix support since forever.
Meh, my PC is already hooked up to my TV so I don't care about that. I was hoping for something new/different.
this thread needs to have the title changed... i have a PS3 and got very excited when i saw the title, only to be let down when i read that it's just through a 3rd party software.

this thread needs to have the title changed... i have a PS3 and got very excited when i saw the title, only to be let down when i read that it's just through a 3rd party software.


And you are telling me that the Xbox360 isn't in the same boat with their plugin?

I seriously doubt that the PS3 will get Netflix support natively unless there is a massive overhaul with the browser. Because Sony is already offering movies through PSN so why would they like to add competition?
my ps3 has always had netflix support : Blu rays from netflix + ps3 = win ;)


I can see why some people like the streaming stuff, but I am old school. I can wait a few days for something to come in the mail. I would think it is going to look/sound better on the Blu-ray disk, but that is basically a guess as I have never used their streaming service.

I can see why some people like the streaming stuff, but I am old school. I can wait a few days for something to come in the mail. I would think it is going to look/sound better on the Blu-ray disk, but that is basically a guess as I have never used their streaming service.

Well, the majority (90%+) of the world doesn't have an HDTV, so I would hazard to guess that near DVD quality streaming movies will appeal to a pretty large audience.

I don't expect Xbox 360 owners to run out and sign up for netflix because of this. It's more of a check mark feature for those who already have a netflix account, or who were already planning getting one. Almost every Netflix membership option besides the least expensive one includes the streaming service.
The actual Blu-Ray physical disk is the better option - visuals/audio is superior to a downloaded version. I'm sure that may change as downloadable media becomes more mainstream. Depending on your connection speed downloading a high def movie can take the amount of time it would take to wait for it to arrive in some cases.
Well, the majority (90%+) of the world doesn't have an HDTV, so I would hazard to guess that near DVD quality streaming movies will appeal to a pretty large audience.

But I don't care about 90% of the world because I am not the CEO of Sony or Microsoft. I know that I have an HDTV, so that is what matters to me. For many people DVD quality is fine, but I prefer something better. When a new feature comes out on the 360/PS3, I don't ask myself how it will benefit the general gaming public. I ask how it will benefit me. There are features on both systems that I don't use, so to me they are insignificant. I am not worried about what drives sales because I own stock in neither.

Plus, we are talking about a service being available for the PS3. I would be willing to wager my left nut (lost my right one in another bet) that the percentage of PS3 owners that have HDTVs is much higher than that of the rest of the general public. Certainly not everyone who has a PS3 will also have an hdtv, but I am sure the percentage is quite high.

My point was simply that Blu-Ray would likely have better video/audio than a download, so I personally don't really see the benefit of using the streaming option if you have a PS3 and an HDTV (except you don't have to wait on the mail). Wasn't trying to knock people that do use the service. I can accept that other's have different opinions than mine.
One thing about 90% of the world not having an HDTV...that number has nothing to do with the areas that Netflix services. I bet that number nearly gets cut in half for those areas. I think the number in the US was approaching 40% (for at least one set) not too long ago.
Let's not forget that a lot of people have an HDTV they don't know about: their PC monitor. HD content is typically 720p. That leaves the vast majority of monitors able to display that content just fine.
I'd rather stream 720p movies to a 20" PC monitor than 480i ones to a 50" TV.
And you are telling me that the Xbox360 isn't in the same boat with their plugin?

I seriously doubt that the PS3 will get Netflix support natively unless there is a massive overhaul with the browser. Because Sony is already offering movies through PSN so why would they like to add competition?

i'm saying that your solution for the PS3 requires a networked PC streaming video to the PS3... that is not at all what your title implies.
i'm saying that your solution for the PS3 requires a networked PC streaming video to the PS3... that is not at all what your title implies.

My title is like how you would say potatoe or potatoe. Get my drift? There is no direct Sony released support for Netflix natively for the PS3.
LOL@ 40% of the U.S. having HDTV's. 20% is a stretch.

It was over 25% as of February with 30% of those who don't currently own one country planning on purchasing one in the next 12 months. The 25+% was 5% higher than only 4 months earlier and adoption rates are actually going up. The Olypmics were supposed to be a huge spike in sales as well.,365349.shtml

Toss in PC monitors that are 720p+ and we're at 40% right now, but using the stats from this article, we'll be over 35% for specific TV's pretty damned soon.

(Quick edit: This factors in any digital TV, and it's giving crazy adoption rates. I think it's pretty optimistic, but it's offers some insight)
Thread title needs to be changed. This is not Netflix support on PS3, its PlayOne a third party PC streaming program that can stream Netflix to your PS3 and Xbox 360.

This is not a partnership between Netflix and Sony.
Ive been using PlayOn since it launched, its a really good piece of software to have thanks to Hulu. Its not perfect though, the files it creates for transcoding are way too damn big and choke all but the fastest network connections. Most of the time I only get a few hiccups when playing Hulu but sometimes the wireless connection gets poor for some reason and it makes streaming the transcoded files a pain. You need faster than G for wireless to consistently watch stuff from PlayOn perfectly, otherwise youll get pauses when the connection loses strength
I tried PlayOn via Netflix on a wired connection with a pretty speedy PC as the host. If I paused the movie for about 10-20 minutes it would be enough to buffer up, but otherwise it would jerk along the entire movie. I've got a 10 mbit pipe too. :-/
i had really nasty streaming hitches. probably due to a non-optimal home network, but that's just the thing. it requires that you have a pretty speedy computer on a speedy home network to get this working.

i love my PS3 for media playback but PlayOn just isn't the solution for me. I'll be using the Xbox 360 Netflix app. Plus, the 360 will have HD Instant Queue videos. that said, if the PS3 or Xbox 360 get with the program and support the MKV container I'll start doing cartwheels in the street.
Hmm, I have had zero problems with playback via PlayOn to my PS3. Using wireless I had a few problems but with wired it is very smooth. Although I too will likely migrate to the 360 tool simply because it has HD.
I have Comcast 6Mbit and PlayOn works GREAT with my Netflix. It takes about 5 seconds for the show to start streaming, but after that it works perfectly. I can even fast forward. VERY easy to setup and worked flawlessly. I highly recommend it until the Xbox NXE comes out with native Netflix support.
i had really nasty streaming hitches. probably due to a non-optimal home network, but that's just the thing. it requires that you have a pretty speedy computer on a speedy home network to get this working.

i love my PS3 for media playback but PlayOn just isn't the solution for me. I'll be using the Xbox 360 Netflix app. Plus, the 360 will have HD Instant Queue videos. that said, if the PS3 or Xbox 360 get with the program and support the MKV container I'll start doing cartwheels in the street.

You can use MKV2VOB for that. Takes about 3 minutes or so for a 1GB file and then streams great.
Well, the majority (90%+) of the world doesn't have an HDTV, so I would hazard to guess that near DVD quality streaming movies will appeal to a pretty large audience.

I don't expect Xbox 360 owners to run out and sign up for netflix because of this. It's more of a check mark feature for those who already have a netflix account, or who were already planning getting one. Almost every Netflix membership option besides the least expensive one includes the streaming service.
I'm signing up for netflix because of the this new feature.
netflix had a very weak selection of streaming movies last time i checked, if they had ever dvd set up for streaming i might consider it. besides that comcast limits bandwidth and every netflix movie streamed uses nearly 4gb of bandwidth, i am already pushing the limits without streaming dvd's.
I've used PlayOn but there just isn't enough newly released movies on Netflix for me to stream so I just continue to rent BR movies.