PSU w/ less Coil Whine?


Oct 19, 2002
My computer whines so loud when I I'm folding.

Is there a PSU that might whine less with the specs in the sig?

The coil whine stops when I turn of GPU folding just FYI, I almost wanna leave the GPU on since it performs nearly 6x faster than my CPU.

Though maybe it's not the PSU and it's the GPU? Who knows, just looking for suggestions.
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Coil whine is hit and miss among all vendors. Sorry, going to just have to roll the dice.
Coil whine is hit and miss among all vendors. Sorry, going to just have to roll the dice.
Any vendors/models know for better dice rolls? :) I feel like the Dungeon Master is trying to screw me over and only he knows which dice roll gives me the dreaded "Coil Whine".
I have encountered it from every OEM save for maybe 2 or 3 over the years and I likely have not had it from them simply due to luck. Sorry man.
Should be fine, if not just RMA it to Corsair until you get one that is fine.