Punisher Spinoff In Development At Netflix


Aug 20, 2006
Did anyone really think that the Punisher wouldn’t get his own series?

Viewers will get their first look at Bernthal’s Punisher when Daredevil‘s second season drops on Friday, March 18, but the early buzz on the Walking Dead alum’s performance is overwhelmingly positive.
Would have liked to see Thomas Jane reprise the role. He even took part in a fan made Punisher short called Dirty Laundry.
Come The Defenders they are going to have more hours of back story than for all the avengers. Luke Cage, Iron Fist (think that is the guy's name), Jessica Jones, Daredevil and now Punisher.
I'm interested. Thomas Jane would have been awesome, but I understand.

He's on the syfy show "The Expanse" which is an EXCELLENT show. You should watch that, or be indicted for its downfall. I will personally blame you if it does not get 5 seasons.
Wow, if netflix is doing this I suspect it will be a very well done show like Daredevil and Jessica Jones. I'd love to see an Iron Fist, but I'll take punisher.
Wow, if netflix is doing this I suspect it will be a very well done show like Daredevil and Jessica Jones. I'd love to see an Iron Fist, but I'll take punisher.

Unless they had some big change of plans Iron Fist is still on the table.

Origin deal was Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron First leading then to The Defenders.

With Season 2 of Daredevil adding The Punisher and Electra I guess they decided to give The Punisher his own series and add him into the lineup also.

Will be interesting to see how this plays into their currently planned release schedule.
When asked in November about whether there would be a second season for Jessica Jones (which has not been announced), JJ showrunner Melissa Rosenberg said:

"I hope so. There certainly is storytelling wise. The question becomes is there actual time? There are logistics involved, because Defenders has to shoot by a certain time, contractually. Actually, I'm not sure; I'm not at all involved in those conversations, much to my dismay. The first question is whether or not we will even get a second season. The second question is, if so, when? Will it be before The Defenders or after? I'd certainly love it to be before but there are things that play into that — time, availability."

The original timing of the Netflix Marvel Universe was thought to be a new season or new series every six months (oh look, they were talking about The Punisher series as far back as July 2015). Daredevil Season 1 was April 2015, Jessica Jones was November 2015, Luke Cage is coming in March 2016, Daredevil Season 2 also comes March 2016, so Iron Fist should come in around September-November 2016. They need to announce the lead actor for Iron Fist and start filming real soon now to be on time for Defenders.
He's on the syfy show "The Expanse" which is an EXCELLENT show. You should watch that, or be indicted for its downfall. I will personally blame you if it does not get 5 seasons.

If it's not available via a streaming service, I'm of no help to it.
I don't know. Daredevil was fantastic. Jessica Jones IMHO, despite what seems to be popular opinion, was just plain bad and everything DD was not. Stupid plot, endless amount of scenarios I found it near impossible to suspend disbelief, stupid villain, stupid characters I didn't care about. Horrible, horrible acting. Even David Tennant felt like he was being given the George Lucas treatment. I don't understand Krysten Ritter's fan base, she was hands down the worst actor/actress on Breaking Bad and that continued in JJ. She's got an ass on her though, I'll give her that.

If they can make Punisher close to Daredevil quality, great. If they are milking the success of DD with half ass efforts (JJ looking at you), pass.
I have mixed feelings being an avid Punisher fan since Thomas Jane's cut of it in 2004. The reason is the rating the show gets and how much it'll dramatically change The Punisher's universe. When Punisher arrives on DareDevil, all need to understand the show MPAA-wise is PG-13. The Punisher and his entire environment and atmosphere is MPAA rating NC-17. Therefore, this is Disney "Disneyfying" the Punisher.

They are going to try to shoehorn an NC-17 rated character into a PG-13 environment. This is also already going down in WWE with Brock Lesnar. Brock (if you watched him in UFC on the mic) is an NC-17 rated persona and fighter. WWE has and is trying to shoehorn him into a PG environment, which explains why Brock almost never gets the mic to himself and Paul Heyman does all the mic service for Brock. For those who know that's only halfway working because it doesn't truly allow Brock to be Brock. I fear the same thing will happen to the Punisher. It won't allow Frank Castle to truly be Frank. Which explains why Jon Bernthal is playing Frank and not Thomas Jane.

My gut tells me Disney and Marvel approached Thomas Jane about the role and Tom saw what I just described. Thomas Jane then realized the possible "Disneyfication" of The Punisher, knew this is the road they were going and decided "I don't care how much money they pay me I don't want to be the catalyst of this" and declined immediately. This is because people don't realize this but before Tom played Frank, he studied the character immensely and gained a deep understanding of Frank and his world (which explained why Dirty Laundry was so awesome).

I'm calling my shot here, the Disneyfication of the Punisher will continue into the comics coming later this winter. For those comic book collectors at HardForum (especially those who collect the Punisher) when you see the new Punisher comic (which rumor has it will be releasing late January/early February) it will no longer have a parental advisory warning on the cover. That's right, the comic will be PG-13 too. As well as Ghost Rider and Blade and other R/NC-17-rated comics Marvel has. This is what happens when Disney takes over Marvel. This is the mark Disney embeds into everything they do. And if my bold prediction is right, I will no longer be collecting/reading Punisher comics if it turns PG-13, cause that isn't true Punisher. That is all and until next time I am out!
When asked in November about whether there would be a second season for Jessica Jones (which has not been announced), JJ showrunner Melissa Rosenberg said:

"I hope so. There certainly is storytelling wise. The question becomes is there actual time? There are logistics involved, because Defenders has to shoot by a certain time, contractually. Actually, I'm not sure; I'm not at all involved in those conversations, much to my dismay. The first question is whether or not we will even get a second season. The second question is, if so, when? Will it be before The Defenders or after? I'd certainly love it to be before but there are things that play into that — time, availability."

The original timing of the Netflix Marvel Universe was thought to be a new season or new series every six months (oh look, they were talking about The Punisher series as far back as July 2015). Daredevil Season 1 was April 2015, Jessica Jones was November 2015, Luke Cage is coming in March 2016, Daredevil Season 2 also comes March 2016, so Iron Fist should come in around September-November 2016. They need to announce the lead actor for Iron Fist and start filming real soon now to be on time for Defenders.

Guess that answers that question. That said today they did actually say that season 2 of Jessica Jones is going to happen, but as you stated where it fall based on The Defenders is questionable as they don't want to have too much going on at once. According to the article they wouldn't confirm that The Punisher is getting his own show saying they are just focusing on these 4 and the Defenders right now.

I have mixed feelings being an avid Punisher fan since Thomas Jane's cut of it in 2004. The reason is the rating the show gets and how much it'll dramatically change The Punisher's universe. When Punisher arrives on DareDevil, all need to understand the show MPAA-wise is PG-13. The Punisher and his entire environment and atmosphere is MPAA rating NC-17. Therefore, this is Disney "Disneyfying" the Punisher.

They are going to try to shoehorn an NC-17 rated character into a PG-13 environment. This is also already going down in WWE with Brock Lesnar. Brock (if you watched him in UFC on the mic) is an NC-17 rated persona and fighter. WWE has and is trying to shoehorn him into a PG environment, which explains why Brock almost never gets the mic to himself and Paul Heyman does all the mic service for Brock. For those who know that's only halfway working because it doesn't truly allow Brock to be Brock. I fear the same thing will happen to the Punisher. It won't allow Frank Castle to truly be Frank. Which explains why Jon Bernthal is playing Frank and not Thomas Jane.

My gut tells me Disney and Marvel approached Thomas Jane about the role and Tom saw what I just described. Thomas Jane then realized the possible "Disneyfication" of The Punisher, knew this is the road they were going and decided "I don't care how much money they pay me I don't want to be the catalyst of this" and declined immediately. This is because people don't realize this but before Tom played Frank, he studied the character immensely and gained a deep understanding of Frank and his world (which explained why Dirty Laundry was so awesome).

I'm calling my shot here, the Disneyfication of the Punisher will continue into the comics coming later this winter. For those comic book collectors at HardForum (especially those who collect the Punisher) when you see the new Punisher comic (which rumor has it will be releasing late January/early February) it will no longer have a parental advisory warning on the cover. That's right, the comic will be PG-13 too. As well as Ghost Rider and Blade and other R/NC-17-rated comics Marvel has. This is what happens when Disney takes over Marvel. This is the mark Disney embeds into everything they do. And if my bold prediction is right, I will no longer be collecting/reading Punisher comics if it turns PG-13, cause that isn't true Punisher. That is all and until next time I am out!

You obviously haven't watched any of these series. They are not PG-13. The Avengers series is PG-13 yes. The Defenders are not. They are all TV-MA or would be be R rated as movies.

Daredevil episode 3 starts off with a guys arm getting snapped so that the bone is sticking out, then his head gets bashed in with a bowling ball.


That is the type of feel that they had in the first season. Jessica Jones had sexual content. They were not going after kids with either of these series. They are aimed at adult viewers. I expect the entire Defenders phase to all be the same, they don't hold back on content. What you see there in that Dirty Laundry short could have been put into either one of those series and been on par with everything else in the series. Now that only works for the Netflix series. If they end up making a movie, then I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't bring it down some if they try to fold it into the current Avenger line of movies.
A R-rated TV punisher series would be pretty cool.
I watched season 1 of Daredevil and it was good, gritty without being neutered as it would have been on public TV.
I don't know. Daredevil was fantastic. Jessica Jones IMHO, despite what seems to be popular opinion, was just plain bad and everything DD was not. Stupid plot, endless amount of scenarios I found it near impossible to suspend disbelief, stupid villain, stupid characters I didn't care about. Horrible, horrible acting. Even David Tennant felt like he was being given the George Lucas treatment. I don't understand Krysten Ritter's fan base, she was hands down the worst actor/actress on Breaking Bad and that continued in JJ. She's got an ass on her though, I'll give her that.

If they can make Punisher close to Daredevil quality, great. If they are milking the success of DD with half ass efforts (JJ looking at you), pass.

Jessica Jones was actually a little better than Dare Devil. It seems like you are bias just because you don't like Ritter.
Wonder how the hell they will bring this dude to the screen.


I guess they will do something like this.

Wonder how the hell they will bring this dude to the screen.


I guess they will do something like this.


There was an attempt to make a movie with Ray Park,who played Darth Maul and Toad in X-Men,as Iron Fist,but it fell through.Shame,Park would have been great in the role. The character was my favorite of the hero's from Marvel's martial arts phase.
Not only reason, but yes having a shit starring actress is going to adversely affect it. Also the idea of a villain that can only control you if you can hear him, in person no less, while bringing nothing else to the table. Pretty much immediately I'm thinking, um headphones? Done. That was probably the biggest killer for me. They got around to that towards the end of the season, but not before jumping through some ridiculous hoops.

There were a couple good episodes in the middle, when they start making Tennant look more like a crazy infatuated person rather than an evil genius. That was a nice change. But it quickly got stupid again.

The action scenes, choreography and Vincent D'Nofrio's performance/character were enough by their lonesome to keep me engaged in Daredevil. I can't think of anything with Jessica Jones.
Also in today's news, the production of all of these series has limits, so after Luke Cage premieres, they are going to be choosing between Iron Fist, Jessica Jones Season 2 or Defenders to go next into the queue. It is unexpected, to say the least, that they might do Defenders before Iron Fist, but here's the tweet.
Hmmm...in response to my last post on this: Daredevil is indeed TV-MA. Fascinating. I stand corrected. I could've sworn Disney would never let anything they're involved in have that rating. So I guess this means...Netflix is becoming the new HBO? My meaning to that query is on HBO...you can practically get away with anything you want to show...except a Jamie Kennedy stand-up comedy hour. Somehow only Jamie's act is too dirty for HBO. That is all. Out!
Hmmm...in response to my last post on this: Daredevil is indeed TV-MA. Fascinating. I stand corrected. I could've sworn Disney would never let anything they're involved in have that rating. So I guess this means...Netflix is becoming the new HBO? My meaning to that query is on HBO...you can practically get away with anything you want to show...except a Jamie Kennedy stand-up comedy hour. Somehow only Jamie's act is too dirty for HBO. That is all. Out!

That is because you are thinking of the wrong part of Disney. There is far more than just the kids section. Touchstone Pictures, Miramax and Dimension are all owned by Disney. Touchstone was created as a branch to release non G rated kids movies from the start. Miramax started off as an independent company then was purchased by Disney in 93. That means that all of the Kevin Smith movies are Disney movies. Dimensions used to be a part of Miramax (and thus Disney) which means that Hellraiser, Children of the Corn, Halloween, Scream, and all other movies up till 2005 released by Dimensions. In 2006 Dimensions became part of the Weinstein Group.

So there is no such thing as Disneyfying anything. Any changes to Marvel isn't because Disney is trying to make everything G rated. It is just the sad fact of the entire entertainment industry. What used to be R is now PG-13 as that allows more people to see a movie so they make more. The same is probably starting to happen with comics, move away from dark and gory so that they can be sold to more people to make more money. But either way just because something is owned by Disney doesn't mean it has to be 100% kid friendly by a long shot, there are plenty of very unfamily friendly movies under their larger umbrella.
fuck yes. This will be fantastic given the grimdark setting that is the hell's kitchen DareDevil universe that these series revolve around.

Straight up TV-MA F/X style.
Jessica Jones was actually a little better than Dare Devil. It seems like you are bias just because you don't like Ritter.

Everyone has different opinions. I personally thought Jessica Jones was pretty good and Daredevil was totally unwatchable (the blind guy who sees using hearing and touch is just too camp for me).
Everyone has different opinions. I personally thought Jessica Jones was pretty good and Daredevil was totally unwatchable (the blind guy who sees using hearing and touch is just too camp for me).

You do understand that this is DD's actual power set. It's a form of enhanced 360 degree sonar vision. Read the comics and you'll see what I mean.
Everyone has different opinions. I personally thought Jessica Jones was pretty good and Daredevil was totally unwatchable (the blind guy who sees using hearing and touch is just too camp for me).

You know nothing of Dare Devil background then.