Q: Hiding window task buttons from the task bar


Jan 24, 2005
Keywords: hide, hiding, stealth, cloak, window

I wish to hide a window from the Windows Taskbar. More specifically, it is the Folding@Home console client and it is for my roommates benefit so he does not accidentally close it.

Is there a registry hack, wrapper program, or invoke flag to make this work?

Windows 2000 and Windows XP.
I use a little app called PowerMenu that allows any program to be minimized to system tray, at which point you can use XP's settings to hide it. That should work.
The FAH console is already in the systray. Just rigth-click the start bar, Properties, check Hide Inactive Icons, Customize, select F@H, change to always hide.


You can also run the no-hassle standalone client for Folding, and run it as a Windows service. No icons, no nothing, just pure folding.

p[H]ant0m said:
You can also run the no-hassle standalone client for Folding, and run it as a Windows service. No icons, no nothing, just pure folding.

That's precisely what happened when I rebooted. I was then immediately dumbfounded. *grins*
Important TIP:

For a computer with multiple processors or hyperthreading you need multiple clients open. To make a sevice for the second folding client: 1. copy foldling files into new directory 2. run FAH from console with -config arg 3. set up as service.

The service name is built from the directory structure and file name, so the service will not be overwritten.

More important TIP:

When I did this and restarted, the second service did not start automatically. Make sure to manually start the second service.

Press Ctrl+Shift+ESC and you will now see two clients running at 50% rather than just one... or two client running at 25%... and I hate you.