Quakecon 2010 August 12 - 15


Jan 15, 2004
Date has been announced, AUGUST 12 - 15, 2010

Back at the Hilton Anatole Hotel - Dallas, Texas

No registration date just yet. Hopefully that will be forthcoming.
Any idea why it's not at the Gaylord like last year?

Nothing official that I know of. I know after the Adams Mark and such we moved to the Gaylord, but some jack asses damaged a lot of hotel property being drunk morons and that plus rates and things switched it to the Anatol for a few years.

Last year I believe a glass door was broken but otherwise it was pleasant...

I like the Gaylord as a venue much more than the Anatole but oh well. Rates for them are probably much higher so it makes sense to go where they can keep costs down.

Not positive though.

It was originally at the Anatole last year and got switched AFAIK.

Correct, they had something come up at the Anatole that required it to get shifted last minute as it were.
I will be headed there with two others. This time we'll get a room at the hotel so we don't have to drive back and forth.
Seeing that I finally got my wife her own car, I'm hoping I can finally make it down to Quakecon (Or any damned lan). Seeing that in way up in Delaware however, unless I get some people to go with me, I'll likely pass this up.
Just submitted my PTO request :D

Hopefully it gets moved to the Gaylord again.
Although the Anatole is just down the street from my house, so then i wouldnt need a hotel.....but i can stay there for free too....decisions
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Do they release any news at Quakecon? I'd love to hear anything about Rage or Doom 4.
Hmm, Yeah I think I might go this year. I'm not too far from Dallas.Hopefully we can hear new news on RAGE & Doom 4.
what are some of the norm prizes, cuz i must start training in the best giving out game
Do they release any news at Quakecon? I'd love to hear anything about Rage or Doom 4.

Usually yes. A few years ago we got the demo of Quake Wars early and some inside info on the game and such.

I am sure there will be plenty of news during the keynote this year and throughout the event.
The Hilton is too much of an overpriced pain in the ass. Gaylord is the place to be...guess I'm out.
The Hilton is too much of an overpriced pain in the ass. Gaylord is the place to be...guess I'm out.

As much as i love the gaylord, i can stay at the hilton for free :D
Gaylord is a better venue but I know reasons why it wont be there. Oi there was funny shit I did see happen though.
I live in Irving, so the Gaylord was great. I could drive home easily.
As much as i love the gaylord, i can stay at the hilton for free :D

I don't have any Hilton points as I have stayed at a hilton in over a decade. So I have a choice of the Marriot or the Sheraton Suites next door.

When are they going to open registration? We are now less than 2 months away :confused:
I guess they are changing a bunch of stuff around with regards to registration.....
Originally Posted by Ash
Hey forum friends,

You guys have been real troopers with the elongated wait for registration information. While we're still not as close to the event as we've been in previous years, I know we're breaking the most recent pattern. In a gesture of friendship, I thought I would supply some facts to go with the registration "leaks" that we've had from a registration vendor.

1) QuakeCon 2010 is still, unquestionably, going to be a free-to-attend event. This includes our world-class BYOC, still available to fans of QuakeCon and id and Bethesda games at no charge.

2) To properly characterize the email that's been buzzing around the forums, we're going to have a premium registration option for the BYOC. At this time it's limited to a portion of the available seats, so it's impossible that the new option will "crowd out" the free seats. I've got to wait for a press release to be finalized before I can share more details, but I promise that I will as soon as I can and it's going to be pretty cool.

3) We're instituting some rather big changes in the registration process, as a result, if everything goes according to plan we're going to be able to maintain security while adding some great conveniences to the BYOC. Some goals on my agenda, thanks to these changes:

* Attendees will be able to enter and exit the BYOC with their laptop as often as they would like — with a security check at every ingress and egress.

* Attendees that are gaming on laptops will be able to bring a monitor in addition to their laptop to enhance their gaming experience. (There will be no additional space allocated for these attendees, the goal is not to support dual-headed gaming, but more of a docking-station-like setup.)

4) Our new registration system means that we'll be able to abolish the FCFS line entirely and run the lines at full speed at all times. I'll be able to give more details soon, but I'm really, really excited about how much this will improve "the line" at QuakeCon.

Anyway, this is all more-or-less "sneak peak" information about the registration process for this year, and nothing yet is finalized (or you'd already have your registration press release!), but it's depressing to listen to speculation that starts with "has QuakeCon stopped being a free, community event" and there's no positive conversation or rumors.

We're really doing our best to make this the greatest QuakeCon ever, and any/all effects that Zenimax has had on the event planning process have been entirely positive. This is looking to be a fantastic year!

Hopefully we'll be chatting about details very soon,

-- Ash
I'm hopefully planning on attending the event just to watch the tournaments and such. not too keen on BYOC yet.
Any word on how the new registration process will benefit the line speed?

For 1) pre-reg can't hurt the registration process can it? Even if it doesn't guarantee a spot... at least you have hardware listed/a handle ready

And 2) I don't see how the line will go any faster... because registration will still open at 9 and they had like 15 stations up to register people...
I'm not too keen on waiting in line for hours. My friend and I are staying at the Sheraton Suites next door (it is free to me so I am ok with doing the 5 min walk).

With that being said, we will probably go early on Thursday to check out the lines. If the lines are indeed long, then we'll check in early (hopefully a possibility) and then wait it out. I don't mind losing a few hours on Thur over waiting in line. We can go do other things (shop at Fry's or go to a late breakfast).
Who cares if you can reserve a spot. its not like they have ever run out of room.
Plus half the people that do reserve dont show up.

It will be quite nice to just show up and walk in.
Anyone know what time we can check in tomorrow? Im trying to decide if i should go before work and setup my gear?
9am tomorrow. I'm thinking of going a little later in the day as I suspect it will be a madhouse in the early AM. I still believe there will be plenty of seats available so not worried about that.
9am tomorrow. I'm thinking of going a little later in the day as I suspect it will be a madhouse in the early AM. I still believe there will be plenty of seats available so not worried about that.

yea, with the new system they have in place, I don't want to be there while they are wroking out the bugs early in the morning. I would not be suprised if by the time I do go, after work, there are still people waiting in line since 9am trying to get in.
No net worth a fuck. CAN'T PLAY Quakelive at quake is pretty gay also. Worst ever.
Are you able to play any of the new games that require internet access for registration?

For instance, Starcraft II requires internet access but runs fine on a LAN even with laggy satellite based internet. Are you able to play it at Quakecon?
No net worth a fuck. CAN'T PLAY Quakelive at quake is pretty gay also. Worst ever.

They got Quakelive working last night, thankfully.

Are you able to play any of the new games that require internet access for registration?

For instance, Starcraft II requires internet access but runs fine on a LAN even with laggy satellite based internet. Are you able to play it at Quakecon?

I wouldn't think so without tethering, but I don't have any games to test it.