Question about DVI vs. D-Sub


Limp Gawd
Aug 31, 2004
Ok, I was wondering. I have read on some sites that D-Sub inputs
offers better performance than DVI inputs. However, on other sites, I hear the opposite.

What is the final verdict on this. If I use D-Sub, will I get better FPS is games over DVI? Also, does DVI offer a clearer image then D-Sub?


With dvi the pixels are 1:1 because it is digital. It will be much cleaer and usually the colors are better too. You won't notice any difference between fps by switching from dvi to d-sub. So dvi is better in every way if you have the option to use it.
Go for the DVI :)
Although there is little difference between them both - the DVI would be slightly better since it doesn't lose any accuracy when translating from analog to digital and back again (at least in theory).