Question to 2408wfp owners.


Limp Gawd
May 21, 2008
I'm on the verge of buying a new screen. I'd like to hear from some people who've tried the screen and know if the input lag is a serious issue or just something that a hardcore gamer would notice.
Let me preface this by saying that I am not by any stretch of the imagination a hardcore gamer. I play games from time to time and not for very long. I HAD the Dell 2408 WFP yet found it unusable due to the horrible input lag. I had the first version of it (REV A00) and since that time they've released a newer revision though from what I've read they did not correct the input lag issue. Dell actually sent me a 2nd monitor after I complained about the first one and the second one had the exact same issue. Now I've been reading around on various messageboards that there are some people who have the 2408 and say that they have no input lag issues. I don't know how this can be possible unless the two units I had happened to be defective or those individuals have no idea what input lag is. Anyhow, thats my 2 cents. I would avoid the 2408 if I were you unless you don't plan to play games on it.