Questions about Dungeon Runners


Aug 8, 2003
Hey guys,

I have a few questions about Dungeon Runners. I am NOT a Beta player, I just requested an invite on one of our Beta invite thread here at [H]. While waiting for a nice person to throw me an invite, I wanted to know a little bit about the game.

Some people say it is like Guild Wars, but a Lite version. I used to be a huge fan of GW until I jumped back to WoW with a handful of my friends and left 8 20K armored, Gold weapons wielding, level 20 toons. The difference is that in GW, you really have to quest with people or with Henchies. In WoW, you can solo all the way up to 70 with only a few quests and instances needing a party of 2 or more. I really like this aspect of the game because the character is you.

I was wondering if Dungeon Runners is like this or if it requires you to party up to level and bring around henchies everywhere.

What is the level cap? Is it 20, or is it a bit higher?

Those are the two I have so far. But if anyone would like to comment on the game, please feel free. Would love discussing this game.
Dungeon Runners is like a fusion of WoW and Diablo2. Last I knew the level cap is 100. The game is primarily a solo venture, where you have "instances" of dungeons. You'll be alone unless you group up with people and head into the dungeons with them. Otherwise you'll have an instance generated for you only and no one can enter it.

The group thing is hardly necessary, but, like Diablo2, groups often find better loot more frequently. On the other hand, you can't pick and choose. Monsters drop a certain amount of loot depending on how many are in the group, and the items dropped will be automatically split up between players. Items that are not yours cannot be picked up. However, other group members can drop non-soul-bound items and you can generally pick those up once they toss them.
Interesting. So basically, you have a town where you meet people, then to level you have to go in an instance correct? It is not like a free roaming world like WoW.
Yeah. The towns are somewhat connected, if not by land then by the Obelisk (teleport). Monsters only appear in these dungeons. It's sort of free-roaming, because the monster areas are connected to towns or through other monster areas, but it isn't all one map with no loading. You'll get the hang of it when you play.
I only got to level 6 or so before my video card died. I have 1 week left approx. until it returns from the RMA. I can't wait to play it again.