quick question about swapping cards...


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - October 2009
May 21, 2008
So I found a great deal on a 980ti and went ahead and sold my SLI 970s to pay for it (5 bucks out of pocket for a ti? hell yea lol)

My 970's were folding tho, and I did manage to have enough time to finish one of the work units and stop it from getting a new one after that one was sent back. But, the other card still had like 6 hours left on it and I couldn't wait that long to ship the cards out.

I know back in the day there was no way to pick up on a new card a WU that was already started on an old card, is that still the case? I haven't touched my client since the swap just in case things have changed

on a side note, what kind of PPD is a 980ti getting? lol
I believe it should pick it up since it's just a slot that has a work unit and your card is the same architecture.
YMMV, but this is what I would do.
With the client paused, delete the slot that has no WU assigned to it.
Restart the computer, and start the client. It should pick up and finish the partial unit.

BTW my two 980Ti's get 470000 to 630000 PPD. Generally around 530000. 9412/9413 WUs get the low numbers. Both are clocked such that while folding the actual real clock speed is 1450. I have had them up around 1500, but I get WU failures. I have not tried upping the voltage, and that might get them stable at 1500. They are both MSI Sea Hawks, so they are plenty cool.
Also, FAHClient won't detect the new card, so usually the recommended way to upgrade is reinstall the driver, then reinstall FAHClient

I think without reinstalling, it shall still fold, but the client would report to the assignment server a wrong card, which may create problems (for example assign to you WUs that shall not be assigned to Maxwell Gen 2 cards
I swap cards all the time. I only re-install drivers, and never re-install FAH. In multiple card situations I have to manually set the index variables, because FAH does a crappy job of identifying them after a card swap (even on clean installs of FAH). As long as the slot has the right ID variables, it always detects the right card to tell the assignment server. Even when the cards are of completely different generations. This still stands when swapping from ati to nvidia.

At one time it might be necessary, but reinstalling FAH really is a purposeless step that just blows away WUs.