Race for ATi X1950Pro - Official Contest Thread


[H]F Junkie
Sep 26, 2001
Now that the roster is set, all updates and smack talk will happen here.

Here's what our list of entrants looks like right now.

The race will officially begin with the 9:00AM update on November 1st. At that point, starting scores will be published and you can go crazy boring everything in sight. Until then however, you must remain under the 1k PPD limit. A few of you are a smidge over and have been notified.

Let the games begin. :D

King developed a page for tracking stats for this race.
Thank you King. :)
This contest is just in time for the winter.... I'll be assembling a few boxen this week for strategic placement around my pad. :D
Good luck to everyone. I would enter but I just don't have enough power. Again good luck!
Watch out everyone!

I have my overclocked Pentium III's pushing out work units every other day or so! :)


Best of luck to everyone!

Brought over from the other thread...
[BRO]Alaskan said:
can I have a 50 day head start?

At least I won't be finishing last :p Maybe second-to-last, but not dead last.

edit: can all the contestants post their badges here so I can size you all up please?
I'm averaging about 650 ppd right now, not really able to ramp up much.

edit2: Found everyone's badges. Some heavy hitters in here, hopefully I'll be out of the green section of badges by the time it's over. Good luck all.

Ice9 = Cedrick Battlewind
Roman79 = Round_Square
IanG said:
Game on!

edit: can all the contestants post their badges here so I can size you all up please?

my e-penis is bigger than yours! @#$% ;)

IanG said:
Brought over from the other thread...

At least I won't be finishing last :p Maybe second-to-last, but not dead last.

Game on!

edit: can all the contestants post their badges here so I can size you all up please?
I'm averaging about 650 ppd right now, not really able to ramp up much.
I "might" be able to get up to the 500ppd range (2 AMD 2500+ OC to 2.2Ghz should be up by then to add to my whopping ~220ppd)
I would make you eat those words if I could.
Here is everyone's PPD for today

[BRO]Alaskan 240ppd
BLUEFISH44 728ppd
Brycejones 833ppd
Chemist_Slime 128ppd but has been up as high as 650ppd in July
Erasmus354 87ppd
IanG 754ppd
Ice_9 658ppd
Jon855 871ppd
Oldbenwa 129ppd but in May averaged 2000ppd
OSUguy98 483ppd but in May averaged 750ppd
Pocatello 544ppd
R00k 530ppd
Roman79 871ppd
Schro 722ppd
Sobe 673ppd
Tsuehpsyde 822ppd
Xilikon 558ppd

There looks to be a 4 way (<300ppd)battle for the bottom
Good luck everyone.
See you all at the finish line............. some sooner then others.
AtomicMoose said:
The race will officially begin with the 9:00AM update on November 1st. At that point, starting scores will be published and you can go crazy boring everything in sight. Until then however, you must remain under the 1k PPD limit. A few of you are a smidge over and have been notified.

Let the games begin. :D

Question 0900 Hours - which time zone?

Slightly over the 1kPPD is fine as long the 7 days average prior to the Nov. 1 is <= 1000PPD avg [Correct?]

Pocatello said:
my e-penis is bigger than yours! @#$% ;)
Yeah, but it's real life that counts mate. ;)

How good are mac G5s? I've got a buddy with a Quad I might be able to convince to fold for me.
Is it too late for me to get it???
been busy ..didn't see the contest...

Crosshairs said:
Is it too late for me to get it???
been busy ..didn't see the contest...

I don't think it's too late as long you are still within the regs
Jon855 said:
Question 0900 Hours - which time zone?

Slightly over the 1kPPD is fine as long the 7 days average prior to the Nov. 1 is <= 1000PPD avg [Correct?]

I am going to run the stats at 9am eastern. But they pull from Hardfolding.com, so we will be on HF time.
Crosshairs said:
Is it too late for me to get it???
been busy ..didn't see the contest...

The time to enter was closed at 2pm Friday. However, if there is a 100% vote from the current contestants to let you enter, I have no problem with it.
AtomicMoose said:
The time to enter was closed at 2pm Friday. However, if there is a 100% vote from the current contestants to let you enter, I have no problem with it.

fine with me.
AtomicMoose said:
The time to enter was closed at 2pm Friday. However, if there is a 100% vote from the current contestants to let you enter, I have no problem with it.
I'm cool with it... the more the merrier.
AtomicMoose said:
The time to enter was closed at 2pm Friday. However, if there is a 100% vote from the current contestants to let you enter, I have no problem with it.

IanG said:
I'm cool with it... the more the merrier.

Oldbenwa said:
Crosshairs can play.

Pocatello said:
fine with me.

Thanks guys..:)..I can feel the love already...
Just let me know if I'm in.....
From my last few weeks production, I'm not a big threat, but I hope to have a few more boxes back online in the next few days....
Then lookout :)

I'm not cool with it.

jk, the more the merrier. The ultimate goal is to ramp up the points for human kind.
More, more, more, more, more, more, more...

the more = the better... Well hell I'm at RITFest 8 LAN Party right now ;)
I just lost a machine. The power supply erupted into a ball of flame 3' in diam. I put the fire out cause I just happened to be next to it when it happened. I got a little scorched and it caught some paper on fire that were near it.I don't know what else was destroyed.
[BRO]Alaskan said:
I just lost a machine. The power supply erupted into a ball of flame 3' in diam. I put the fire out cause I just happened to be next to it when it happened. I got a little scorched and it caught some paper on fire that were near it.I don't know what else was destroyed.

Yikes, PSU is definately not something you want to skimp on, esspecially for a 24-7 folding machine! We've all heard marty's story about the flaming shits his PSUs had, what you described sounds more like, flaming explosive diareha~ Good you didn't get hurt! Would love to see some pics of the damage, lol.. Fold on!
[BRO]Alaskan said:
I just lost a machine. The power supply erupted into a ball of flame 3' in diam. I put the fire out cause I just happened to be next to it when it happened. I got a little scorched and it caught some paper on fire that were near it.I don't know what else was destroyed.

OUCH!!!....I know the feeling..I lost a PCP&C to a small fire......They had a bad batch while ago,,I was lucky enough to get one :)
They gave me a new one no questions asked, and it had 2 more SATA connectors than my old one..I was pretty happy :)
Well, we have not yet heard from everyone, but if I don't get any objections by the end of today, Crosshairs is in.
Let him play Moose. Just make him let you give the usual reach through. ;) The more, the merrier, the more proteins folded, the closer we are to a cure.

BTW, you're all going down bitches. :cool:

This is going to be fun to watch. :p

Best wishes to all, and let the best borger win the prize!

AtomicMoose said:
Well, we have not yet heard from everyone, but if I don't get any objections by the end of today, Crosshairs is in.
"Keeps fingers crossed" :)