Radeon 6970 performance calculated


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 5, 2006
These are based on educated guesses interpolated from the following benchmarks.

-> Radeon 6970 performance forumula
[percentage increase of 5770->5870*6870 performance]

The basic premise is that the 6970 should see performance increases compared to the 6870 in the same ratio that we have seen from the 5770 to the 5870.

Metro 2033 performance, 1080p, normal quality (avg fps)

->Radeon 6970 54 (208%)
Radeon 6870 37 (142%)
Radeon 5870 38 (146%)
Radeon 5770 CF 37 (142%)
Radeon 5770 26 (100%)

Alien v Predator performance, 1080p, custom (avg fps)

->Radeon 6970 94 (236%)
Radeon 6870 47 (168%)
Radeon 5870 56 (200%)
Radeon 5770 CF 55 (196%)
Radeon 5770 28 (100%)

Mafia 2 performance , 1080p, AA enabled, custom

->Radeon 6970 65 (171%)
Radeon 6870 50 (132%)
Radeon 5870 49 (129%)
Radeon 5770 CF 56 (147%)
Radeon 5770 38 (100%)

Lost Planet 2 performance, 1080p, DX11, custom

->Radeon 6970 55 (202%)
Radeon 6870 41 (152%)
Radeon 5870 36 (133%)
Radeon 5770 27 (100%)

These are guesstimates of 6970 performance for purposes of speculation only. If the 6970 does turn out to be this fast, it should be a monstrous video card.
Why even post this? You're missing at least a dozen variables.

Okay, let me know what variables you think should be added and we can adjust the formula accordingly.

As to why? For the fun of it why else.
There's nothing wrong with guessing of course, but the thread title is misleading; it hints at accuracy, at least to me, and we have no way of knowing how accurate these calculations really are.
Without knowing the final clocks of the GPU and memory these guesses are largely useless.