Rage sucks

Well, at least there is company in video game hell. So far the number of companies that have Successfully made a game for all three platforms is low.

The few games I have direct experience with.
Portal 2
Deus Ex
Just Cause 2
You could say COD but I haven't bought one of those in ages...

Haven't played anything else yet so there may be more...
Those are the ones that I know of that are not just direct buggy ports.
Nothing wrong with console ports so long as they are done well and the necessary PC features are implemented correctly. Even when they aren't, I still rather enjoy many console to PC ports.

Batman Arkham Asylum is an example of a fine PC port done WELL. Mass Effect 1 & 2 were ported to PC very well. About the only major thing they needed but didn't get was anti-aliasing support. Other than that I can't complain. Both Dead Space games were very well done despite some bitching about the controls. (They always worked fine for me.) In fact both of those games even supported multi-monitor solutions fairly well. Street Fighter IV and Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition were also very well done. The Dragon Age games were well received also. The list goes on. A good game is a good game no matter the platform. So long as the company doing the porting does a good job tweaking it for the platform in question, everything is fine.

Consoles may be the reason for stagnation graphically speaking, but you can't use consoles and console ports as a scapegoat for a game being shitty. Rage sucking is more about the development cycle taking too long and id's current lack of talent than being a console port.
Pretty much has dropped off the radar hasn't it. I held off from buying it at launch because I assumed it would have 3-4 DLC packs over the next year. I was planning on waiting for a GOTY edition sometime late next year, early the year after. However, with how hated this game seems to be by the majority, I am not certain whether they will bother will future DLC on the PC for this title.

If they fix a few things I may still buy it when it hits the $10 bin. If not, oh well, I have better things to do with my time.
i just got it from steam for $15.still feel like i overpaid.
Two shittiest games of the year, over hyped for years, DNF and Rage. Best thing about them being released is that they can now be forgotten.
Well I bought it on Steam for $20. I really hope it isn't as shitty as everyone makes it out to be.

Either way, it's only 20 bucks
Every time I see this thread get bumped I just laugh.

Yes, the game still sucks.
I was on the fence about buying it off Steam for $20. Then I remembered this thread...

I'll wait until it's $4.99 in a few months. Or I might just spend that five buck on lunch at McD's, instead.
Edit Edit: After having finished the game, I have to issue a retraction on my entire post. It's not worth $20, and it's not a decent game. It started off pretty good, but fell flat on it's face about 1/3rd of the way through. It's like they just said "fuck it, get it done" and pushed out the rest of it half-baked. It's so obvious it's not even funny, and the ending...oh, the ending...
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I still don't get whats so wrong with it... 5 minutes to fix "graphics problems" and it's fine :confused:

It's alright. The gameplay is meat and potatoes, mostly on rails, but nothing to really write home about. Decent.

The graphics need more than file tweaks but graphics don't make or break a game for me.

At $50-$60 it sucks by any standard. At sales prices now?...Eh, you could do worse if you want a decent single player FPS with no real story to speak of.

On the other hand, I can wholeheartedly endorse Borderlands GOTY, which is a steal these days and it did "this" a whole hell of a lot better across the boards, at least IMO.

The reason it's getting bumped is because not everyone agrees with you.

I really don't care.
I'm still waiting to play this when close range textures are actually high-res... official or mod. I guess neither have happened, so I'll keep playing other games until I either decide that its time to beat it or someone improves the damn textures.
so no plans to ever release an official high-res texture pack?...not even another patch?...have they abandoned the game and moved on?
Carmack said there was some interest in releasing a high-res pack for only a portion of the game. There were never any plans to release a high-res pack for the entire game.
I still don't get whats so wrong with it... 5 minutes to fix "graphics problems" and it's fine :confused:

These PC gamers, especially the ones who say that PC gaming is so much better because you can tweak the little features secretly love console games because they work out of the box.

Can't speak for the PC version but the Xbox version worked fine day one.
These PC gamers, especially the ones who say that PC gaming is so much better because you can tweak the little features secretly love console games because they work out of the box.

There's a new crackpot theory every day. For the record, I game on both a PC and the PS3, not that it matters.

Can't speak for the PC version but the Xbox version worked fine day one.

Not any big deal and I'm just making an observation but I'm really not sure why you're making a post like this in the PC gaming forum in a thread with again, a VERY unsubtle title that's obviously polar opposite of your opinion.

Yet you care enough to make certain that your opinion on the matter is known.

That's pretty much what Internet forums are about.

What did you and some others really expect to see in a huge thread like this with a title like "Rage sucks" ?

Anyways, to be fair, I thought that descriptive was a little harsh. The gameplay is solid, I liked some of the weapons, some of the graphics look good taken as a whole, yes, the textures need a buff job...wouldn't have minded seeing more of a story but I certainly have bought worse games.

Overall, for people that like this game or love it like you? Try Borderlands if you haven't and see if you end up agreeing with me that Borderlands did "this" better.
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Is it perfect, no. Is it GOTY, no. Is it a rip-off of Fallout/Borderlands, yes. Is Carmack a douche, yes. Is it a fun, solid shooter, worth $20, absolutely.
Can't really call it a rip-off considering it had been in development since 2004 after the release of Doom 3. id were just late to the party. ;)
Overall, for people that like this game or love it like you? Try Borderlands if you haven't and see if you end up agreeing with me that Borderlands did "this" better.
I thought Borderlands was fairly vacuous. The potential for fun just wasn't there for me — I never really ever found much entertainment value from it. To each his own, though.

Rage could be tedious as hell at times, but ultimately the mechanics felt very satisfying, and those core mechanics are incredibly important for a game like this to work on any level. If id had simply polished the PC version to a greater degree (and if AMD hadn't completely dropped the fucking ball), I doubt there would have been any significant backlash from it.
Except for there is no story, the worst let down of an ending in gaming history, and uttery mind numbingly boring linear gameplay. Rage still sucks and not because of the graphics.
Can't really call it a rip-off considering it had been in development since 2004 after the release of Doom 3. id were just late to the party. ;)

Rip-off, clone, wannabe, however you want to put it. But yeah, 7 years to develop...not seeing it, lol.
Yeah, I finally bit the hook and picked up Rage when the $15 tag came up a couple days ago. I've only played about an hour so far, but I'm definitely seeing what all the disappointment and flaming is about.

This gaming is so close to being amazing - I really can't comprehend how they managed to screw up so many little things about it and make it such a pain to play.

The game looks amazing in almost every aspect - photo-realistic textures and modeling on the vast landscape as far as you can see, but the textures on most of the surfaces up-close to the player are not high-res, they just use the same textures that are on distant objects, and they look like absolute crap up-close. I really hope there's a way to turn up-close detailed textures permanently on, as this inconsistency in the image-quality is just not acceptable.

The other thing I can't stand so far is the lack of free-look while driving. I have to press a button to look around while driving a vehicle, and when I do the mouse axis are all reversed, so it becomes extremely disorienting and nearly impossible to steer the vehicle correctly! I've played over a dozen games where the driving/looking mechanics worked just fine - how on earth ID managed to screw this up is beyond me.

Really hope this game gets some patches some time in the near future - it really looks like it might be a good game, but it really needs some fixes to make it playable.
What about gameplay/story/fun factor?

Also, I haven't been keeping up with the thread. Have they finally updated this game to where it's playable? I bought it, installed it, and couldn't get it to work and gave up after a few days. Wondering if it's ready to go back to (after I finish Skyrim)?
What about gameplay

Solid enough.

None to speak of.

fun factor?


If you get this game for $15 or whatever it is the sale is and want a decent single FPS you could do a lot worse IMO. I wouldn't recommend anyone pay more than $20 for this game, tops, though.

Also, I haven't been keeping up with the thread. Have they finally updated this game to where it's playable? I bought it, installed it, and couldn't get it to work and gave up after a few days. Wondering if it's ready to go back to (after I finish Skyrim)?

Bugs and glitches should be largely gone by now from what I gather.
"No story to speak of" properly describes Audiosurf. It doesn't properly describe Rage.

Barebones story with an absolutely pathetic non-ending. That's the most generous descriptive I can give it but probably won't be good enough for you.
People have weird values when it come to games. "$15 is alright for a boring game" wait what? Nothing is alright for a crappy game. $15 is alright for a game that has flaws and makes up for them is another area that's intriguing or amazing in some aspect.

If you want to be bored go sit in an airport or a gas station for free. My god with all the games out there why people would pay for a so-so experience is beyond me.
Barebones story with an absolutely pathetic non-ending. That's the most generous descriptive I can give it but probably won't be good enough for you.
No, that's fairly accurate. "No story" is not accurate.
I bought Borderlands via the Steam sale and I'm pretty sure that the guys at Gearbox pretty much stole id's thunder 2 years earlier. You really pretty much had the same concepts (Mad-Max'ish apocalyptic desert, semi-RPG, driving, shooting, upgradeable things) a full two years earlier because id kept dragging their feet on Rage for so damned long.
It's my guess that id likely played Borderlands and started rushing Rage right then and there. We got a "finished" product more or less, but I get the feeling that they were headed down the path of DNF or Prey, but were forced to get their shit together when someone else pretty much took their idea and released a pretty damned good take on it.
I'd still say the driving in Rage isn't that bad, and they clearly started to add a plot, but I just think that they were going so slowly that they'd rather release something and hope for the best than to actually finish what they wanted, but take an additional 5 years.
The OP is right.

Everything about this game is underwhelming. Let's start with the most obvious: it is a caterpillar that was birthed out of a console cocoon. No wonder it looks like John Carmack vomited all over a DVD. If even HE pukes up a console game and tries to sell it to us, then there's no hope for PC gamers. The Xbox is going on 7 (!SEVEN!) years old in 2013! Let's start developing for the PC exclusively again and wait for the next gen consoles? Oh yeah... that's why... $$$$$

The detail textures even though a good idea on paper, fail in execution just like communism. To me it really just adds grain and is not worth the horrid pop-in. The distance meshes and textures can't really even compare to flight simulators of the days of olde, distant buildings look blurry and honestly are far worse than the low-detail buildings Half-Life 2 used in 2004.

On my system, with a GTX 280 (1GB) card, and a Phenom II X4 3.6GHz processor the game looks bad and runs worse. The game will not let me enable 8k textures, and spits out some kind of error about not "having enough cores". This is just sloppy programming. Nothing technologically is brought to the table. No procedurally generated terrain, no global illumination lighting solution, and what is with this 2005-esque color grading that makes my screen look like shit green in shadowy areas?

Play wise nothing new either. Incredibly linear gameplay, scripted enemies. Now, I loved Doom 3, so I don't "dislike" linear gameplay, but I thought a more sandbox-driven environment like Fallout or Far Cry would give a better opportunity to explore the ruined and desolate world. I thought John's ingenuity would allow for some kind of dynamic enemy spawning or generation. Nope, I just run around through muddy color-graded corridors reminiscent of COD 2 and repeatedly click a pistol trigger hoping to hit something. What is this. I'd rather just replay Doom 3.

Just realized this was an oooold thread. Ooops. Couldn't help but complain since I wasted my $5 on a steam sale. This was the first result on google for "Rage sucks"
The OP is right.

Everything about this game is underwhelming. Let's start with the most obvious: it is a caterpillar that was birthed out of a console cocoon. No wonder it looks like John Carmack vomited all over a DVD. If even HE pukes up a console game and tries to sell it to us, then there's no hope for PC gamers. The Xbox is going on 7 (!SEVEN!) years old in 2013! Let's start developing for the PC exclusively again and wait for the next gen consoles? Oh yeah... that's why... $$$$$

The detail textures even though a good idea on paper, fail in execution just like communism. To me it really just adds grain and is not worth the horrid pop-in. The distance meshes and textures can't really even compare to flight simulators of the days of olde, distant buildings look blurry and honestly are far worse than the low-detail buildings Half-Life 2 used in 2004.

On my system, with a GTX 280 (1GB) card, and a Phenom II X4 3.6GHz processor the game looks bad and runs worse. The game will not let me enable 8k textures, and spits out some kind of error about not "having enough cores". This is just sloppy programming. Nothing technologically is brought to the table. No procedurally generated terrain, no global illumination lighting solution, and what is with this 2005-esque color grading that makes my screen look like shit green in shadowy areas?

Play wise nothing new either. Incredibly linear gameplay, scripted enemies. Now, I loved Doom 3, so I don't "dislike" linear gameplay, but I thought a more sandbox-driven environment like Fallout or Far Cry would give a better opportunity to explore the ruined and desolate world. I thought John's ingenuity would allow for some kind of dynamic enemy spawning or generation. Nope, I just run around through muddy color-graded corridors reminiscent of COD 2 and repeatedly click a pistol trigger hoping to hit something. What is this. I'd rather just replay Doom 3.

Just realized this was an oooold thread. Ooops. Couldn't help but complain since I wasted my $5 on a steam sale. This was the first result on google for "Rage sucks"

I agree with most of your points but why are you trying to push 8k Textures on a 5 year old 1GB card? You're trying to stick a golfball through a waterhose.
Just like any typical ID game, over-hyped to death while sitting in development for years, then becomes a major letdown on release day.
The OP is right.

Everything about this game is underwhelming. Let's start with the most obvious: it is a caterpillar that was birthed out of a console cocoon. No wonder it looks like John Carmack vomited all over a DVD. If even HE pukes up a console game and tries to sell it to us, then there's no hope for PC gamers. The Xbox is going on 7 (!SEVEN!) years old in 2013! Let's start developing for the PC exclusively again and wait for the next gen consoles? Oh yeah... that's why... $$$$$

The detail textures even though a good idea on paper, fail in execution just like communism. To me it really just adds grain and is not worth the horrid pop-in. The distance meshes and textures can't really even compare to flight simulators of the days of olde, distant buildings look blurry and honestly are far worse than the low-detail buildings Half-Life 2 used in 2004.

On my system, with a GTX 280 (1GB) card, and a Phenom II X4 3.6GHz processor the game looks bad and runs worse. The game will not let me enable 8k textures, and spits out some kind of error about not "having enough cores". This is just sloppy programming. Nothing technologically is brought to the table. No procedurally generated terrain, no global illumination lighting solution, and what is with this 2005-esque color grading that makes my screen look like shit green in shadowy areas?

Play wise nothing new either. Incredibly linear gameplay, scripted enemies. Now, I loved Doom 3, so I don't "dislike" linear gameplay, but I thought a more sandbox-driven environment like Fallout or Far Cry would give a better opportunity to explore the ruined and desolate world. I thought John's ingenuity would allow for some kind of dynamic enemy spawning or generation. Nope, I just run around through muddy color-graded corridors reminiscent of COD 2 and repeatedly click a pistol trigger hoping to hit something. What is this. I'd rather just replay Doom 3.

Just realized this was an oooold thread. Ooops. Couldn't help but complain since I wasted my $5 on a steam sale. This was the first result on google for "Rage sucks"

LOL! My five kids are younger than your video card is old...time for an upgrade partner!

Other than that I have to question the integrity of someone that liked Doom 3 but not RAGE...Doom 3 was just as bad!
I bought Borderlands via the Steam sale and I'm pretty sure that the guys at Gearbox pretty much stole id's thunder 2 years earlier. You really pretty much had the same concepts (Mad-Max'ish apocalyptic desert, semi-RPG, driving, shooting, upgradeable things) a full two years earlier because id kept dragging their feet on Rage for so damned long.
It's my guess that id likely played Borderlands and started rushing Rage right then and there. We got a "finished" product more or less, but I get the feeling that they were headed down the path of DNF or Prey, but were forced to get their shit together when someone else pretty much took their idea and released a pretty damned good take on it.
I'd still say the driving in Rage isn't that bad, and they clearly started to add a plot, but I just think that they were going so slowly that they'd rather release something and hope for the best than to actually finish what they wanted, but take an additional 5 years.

That's exactly my experience also.
Except the Gearbox did "this" a whole hell of a lot better in both Borderlands games. So to the victor goes the credit and the spoils I say.
RAGE definitely does not suck...not the greatest...not worth full price...but worth the $5 I saw it on sale for a few days ago on Steam...this thread is another reason why I don't trust forum members any more then review sites...they exaggerate and their opinions are way overblown to make some sort of grand statement

the game was fun...ID tried to go outside the box of their usual dark, corridor type of setting...didn't fully work but I appreciate the effort...the texture pop was gone after the 2nd patch...I enjoyed the driving elements and the tech behind the game...unfortunately the game came after Borderlands and Fallout which did individual elements better...worth it if you can get the game under $10
RAGE definitely does not suck...not the greatest...not worth full price...but worth the $5 I saw it on sale for a few days ago on Steam...this thread is another reason why I don't trust forum members any more then review sites...they exaggerate and their opinions are way overblown to make some sort of grand statement

Depends on who it is. ;) If you're around here for a while...and I know YOU have been...you get an idea of who the regulars are that have their heads on straight.

the game was fun...ID tried to go outside the box of their usual dark, corridor type of setting...didn't fully work but I appreciate the effort...the texture pop was gone after the 2nd patch...I enjoyed the driving elements and the tech behind the game...unfortunately the game came after Borderlands and Fallout which did individual elements better...worth it if you can get the game under $10

Borderlands and Fallouts did everything WORLDS better but I never thought this game sucked. I just thought it underachieved.

If people want a fairly decent and above average single player FPS...this thing's cheap...why not buy it?

Hate's overblown.
I want my $60 back motherfucker!

[edit] - 10/09/11 steam refunded my account with $59.99 wallet dollars. About time! Thanks steam you rock! And thank God I never used my one time buyer credit!

I don't understand why you guys keep buying games for $59.99. Do you not realize that STEAM and AMAZON have SALES on Thanksgiving and Christmas were you can buy basically any game for $4.99 or at most $9.99? Why would you pay $59.99 for a game? I think you got what you deserved. :rolleyes: