Raid build options...

Mar 23, 2007
Hi, I'm currently running a Thecus N5200 (not pro) and just purchased 5 2 TB WD's (WD20EADS). I'll buy a few more of these after I see how well these work with raid 5.

At this point I'm not sure that the N5200 will be able to handle these drives so I might have to upgrade my raid.

Looking for feedback while trying to figure out my best option and am considering the following:

1. Build a raid box using something like a NORCO RPC-3116 (16 Bay just for expansion reasons).
2. Buy a Thecus N7700.
3. Buy a QNAP TS-809 Pro.

I'd like to keep the cost (not counting hard drives) down to $1500. I'd also like the fastest raid 5 setup that I can get that supports iSCSI.

This setup is for a home office.

Id go with the norco, just because you will have more options.

I dont like prefab NAS things like thecus and qnap because you are at the mercy of their shitty proprietary firmware.