RAID solution


Sep 27, 2004
Fellow [H]ardOcp'rs

I am looking into establishing a sortve RAID5/zfs box. I have approx 1k USD, closer to 750 would be nicer, broke ass college student. My laptop lacks usb3, fw, and a pci/pcmcia slot. I have currently 2x1.5tb, 4x400 tb. I was only looking for some sort of enclosure/case with the capacity of just 2-3 more 2tb drives, but my budget is aimed at the card/case. Solo user, for archival purposes, 1080p streams max, not looking for speed. Would I benefit most from a ZFS sol'n then RAID5, and could I be pointed in the right direction? Also at issue, maintaining the current data, building the array and xferring back over, usb2.0 took me 23h once to fill a 1.5 tb drive, in win7!
Did you transfer the data back while it was still building the array? This would explain the long time.

So you do have everything but the case? Or do you only have the harddrives?
Wan't doing much else (CPU-wise) wasn't an array build, just shuttling over some files. Have existing harddrives (mis-matched) and was looking into ZFS, as I hear it can take harddrives of all sizes.