Random Box o' Stuff (wannabe Bag Of Crap)

Interesting, I bit after reading some really bad reviews (but it seems like that stems from people getting screwed by the fact that they bought multiple and only received the equivalent of one single purchase).
hee hee!
i bought one.
prolly gonna get screwed...but it's worth a shot.
It clearly states that you can only order one box per order. You can do separate orders but only one box per order, no combined shipping.

I bit...damn you random junk...
Yeah I ordered one of these 2 weeks ago. Its been on slickdeals and fatwallet for awhile. I recieved my box o crap last tuesday. I got

how to fix clogged drain pamphlet
how to fix a broken fence pamphlet
A bungie cord (used this already)
One of those little tap lights (like a big white button, and you push the top down for the light...I use this alot..)
A neat little screwdriver with alot of bits...
A box of bits for another type of screwdriver, but I got them to work with mine still.

I was excited...Oh btw, there are like 10 boxes that contains a Wii or a PS3 out of the 1000(I think) they are selling.
Well i just ordered one but stupid me forgot to put in my Apt. #. I tried calling the customer service and got through right away but he said to call back in 24hours because it didn't show up in the system yet. SOOOO I emailed them about it. Guess this'll be a good test to see how good their customer service is if they can catch it before it ships.
Erich in Az said:
Not to pee on the parade, but they had some pretty poor reviews on their last one:


I'm a fan of BOC's, but steering clear of this. A coworker got one last time and it was total crap.

Buyer beware is all I'm saying

Its a box of crap...they dont say whats in it. If they wanted to put in 2 nails, a screw, and a tissue...then I got what I paid for...a box of crap.
atkruz789 said:
It clearly states that you can only order one box per order. You can do separate orders but only one box per order, no combined shipping.

I bit...damn you random junk...

Yes, but according to reviews these are NEW restrictions.
Don't normally go for these - but I gave it a go. We'll see.. I've wasted money in worse ways =P

Reminds me of that Family Guy episode... Do you want the boat? Orrrrr.. what's in the mystery box?!
It's like the episode of family guy when peter takes the mystery box instead of the boat. good luck.
My rational for purchacing this:

  • The Blue Box Sticker
  • donating $1/box to the following charities...
  • possible LED headlight
I think some of those reviews are really funny. People are complaining about being ripped off? how can you get ripped off when you spent 10$ on a box of random crap? Some people are retarded.
Seanmounce said:
I think some of those reviews are really funny. People are complaining about being ripped off? how can you get ripped off when you spent 10$ on a box of random crap? Some people are retarded.

I think the point is, with most other BOC's, most people at least got SOMETHING of value, and the price was much less. I guess folks expect a little more when they are coughing up this much more than Woot! and some of the others that have done this. I saw what they sent my coworker and it was really not worth anything (no matter what they say in the description)

BOC's are fun at a few bucks, but when someone plops down $30 and gets exactly the same thing in each box, not to mention the same amount as people that spent $10, it seems not so random ;)

By all means, have fun, but don't expect anything like woot! BOC's :cool:
This seems more like a sweepstakes than a box of crap that presumably has something of value in it (even if it's nothing you want). If you read that thing they're saying that they're giving away a PS3 and 20 of this and 25 of that and so on.

My guess is that the legality of this is questionable.....having done some telemarketing many years ago, I know that these types of things often end up breaking sweepstakes laws (sometimes by accident and other times by design).

In this case, my guess is that they'd need to say the total number of BOCs that are for sale, which means yout he buyer know the odds of winning.
nilepez said:
This seems more like a sweepstakes than a box of crap that presumably has something of value in it (even if it's nothing you want). If you read that thing they're saying that they're giving away a PS3 and 20 of this and 25 of that and so on.

My guess is that the legality of this is questionable.....having done some telemarketing many years ago, I know that these types of things often end up breaking sweepstakes laws (sometimes by accident and other times by design).

In this case, my guess is that they'd need to say the total number of BOCs that are for sale, which means yout he buyer know the odds of winning.

Yeah it just doesn't sit well for me. When your order A BoC from woot, they're not advertising what you might win, so if you do get something worthwhile it's basically a bonus.

Now in this case, they are advertising "prizes" in their BoS, distributed 'randomly'. But what is randomly? Are they shipping them all out at the same time? If they did that would seem to make sense to me(more sense anyway).
i just read up on slickdeals and people are saying a bunch of people got taplights

that makes me happy because i really wanted one of these but could never find them in anything but like 5 packs. :) plus it's just fun, and maybe i'll get a little trinket i can gift for the holidays :D
and with this thread we can conclude that hardocp'ers are a bunch of gamblers ;)
Bowhuntr11 said:
One of those little tap lights (like a big white button, and you push the top down for the light...I use this alot..)

Are they Sylvania brand LED lights? I paid $11 for a pair of these a few weeks ago. Nice stuff.

And yea, I too recommend you guys check out some of the other forums - people are not happy with what they're getting.
I'll see what everyone else gets, then I'll bite. :D

After looking around at the random possibilities, might as well be "Box o' Crap."
you guys don't need this junk! you'll end up having to do things in order to find them useful. save your money :D
Erich in Az said:
BOC's are fun at a few bucks, but when someone plops down $30 and gets exactly the same thing in each box, not to mention the same amount as people that spent $10, it seems not so random ;)

If you spend $30 on a random box of crap...then you deserve to lose money...lol