Random reboot issue, think it's the psu.


Mar 24, 2008
Most recent build has had a little problem. First, off specs:
Gigabyte H55N-USB3 (latest F5 firmware)
Core i3-550 @ stock 3.2ghz
2x2gb G.Skill ECO series DDR3-1333
XFX 6850 @ stock clocks/volts
Hitachi 750gb os drive
Silverstone SFX 450w psu (have problems with, on my second new psu)
FSP group 300w psu (no problems with, stock psu from my Sugo5)
Sugo5 case

First time I assembled was with the Silverstone psu. Installed Win7 fine, got all my drivers and a bunch of programs installed without a hitch. 10 minutes into BFBC2, computer just shuts down. It kept trying to turn itself back on after that but it would last less than a second or two, most of the time shutting back down after a fraction of a second.

RMA'd that and threw the stock 300w psu back in and was a little worried about the power draw, but it managed to run everything just fine as far as I could see. Took a little while to get the replacement Silverstone so I had a good amount of time using the 300w with this setup, also had to reformat due to switching hard drives and had no problems after.

Got my rma, reinstalled it, and went along with my stuff. Installed BFBC2 and tried updating it. Sometime during the update, the computer shut off and was stuck at the post screen (does that when I leave my usb external plugged in, haven't looked into that yet). Turn it back on and it said windows recovered from an unexpected error. Odd.. Try updating again and walk away. Come back and the computer has again restarted... wtf. Try it for a third time and sit here for the entire update and it works fine. Okay...

Skip ahead a few days of no issue to today. Got in on the Burnout Paradise deal in the Hot Deals section and was downloading it. Walked away to go shower before family gets here and what do I return to... Stuck at the post screen cause my usb external is on. Shut it off, turn it back on, recovered from an unexpected error. I checked the xml error file this time and this is what it said:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" ?> 
- <WERReportMetadata>
- <OSVersionInformation>
  <Product>(0x1): Windows 7 Ultimate</Product> 
  <Flavor>Multiprocessor Free</Flavor> 
- <ProblemSignatures>
- <DynamicSignatures>
- <SystemInformation>
  <SystemManufacturer>Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.</SystemManufacturer> 

Now, I don't really know how to read this, nor do I know if this is even the right thing I wanna be looking at... I'm in the process of getting the dmp file opened up if that would help. Anyone have any thoughts on this? I'm fairly sure it's the psu, but not 100% at this point. I'm a bit flustered to say the least. I mean, it hasn't shut down while I was actually doing anything important, but when you're doing something and come back to find your computer has restarted before it should have finished, it's a bit irritating.
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