Razer Tarantula gaming keyboard

n3g471v3 d3c1b3l said:
a hundred dollars is a little to steep for a keyboard, IMO... :rolleyes:

The price might be steep for an ordinary keyboard but this is a keyboard with blue lights. Also think of all the uber gaming skillz you'll acquire because of this keyboard. Not to mention the fact that if all the light bulbs in you room shorted out at the same time, you'll still be able to see all the keys on you keyboard clearly and that my friend is priceless.
logan1 said:
The price might be steep for an ordinary keyboard but this is a keyboard with blue lights. Also think of all the uber gaming skillz you'll acquire because of this keyboard. Not to mention the fact that if all the light bulbs in you room shorted out at the same time, you'll still be able to see all the keys on you keyboard clearly and that my friend is priceless.
Noob!!! Keyboard doesn't give you skill. It just looks nicer :D
Lately I've been pwning on fear combat with a cheep $10 beige keyboard.... You just need some skills... save your $100 and get a better graphics card or something... good grief!
I don't know...thats a pretty fucking sweet keyboard, too bad it only comes in blue. Red is far superior :D
People were willing to buy the G15 and Saitek Gaming Keyboard/Eclipse.

I only posted this because to my knowledge, Circuit City is the only retailer selling this.
B. W. said:
People were willing to buy the G15 and Saitek Gaming Keyboard/Eclipse.

I only posted this because to my knowledge, Circuit City is the only retailer selling this.
I bought the saitek II eclipse only because my 10$ sony crap keyboard that didn't even have a number pad, was not working any of the shift keys. So I got the eclipse II because it looked it was a good keyboard, nice and lit up. My skills are better because of more exp, not because of a $10, $50, or even a $100 keyboard. Practice, play, lose, learn, practice, play, win. That's how u get skill.
W00t! I got this board and now I get 0.06FPS more in CS:S! I can totally notice the difference and now I totally pwn all the n00bs!

Seriously, I wouldn't pay more than $50 for a keyboard with the exception of the G15 because of the LCD(though I probably wouldn't get one anyway). I've never been particularly impressed by Razer's products, nor by the amount of hype they pump out to appeal to the "l33t" gaming crowd. I'm still running on my 3-year old Elite keyboard and it's still awesome for gaming.
B. W. said:
People were willing to buy the G15 and Saitek Gaming Keyboard/Eclipse.

I only posted this because to my knowledge, Circuit City is the only retailer selling this.

Yo man we are not making fun of you for posting this deal. We are having a laugh at the idea of a $100 keyboard.
No way in hell I'd pay $100 for a keyboard either, but if you read a little closer that price appears to include their "GameEye" webcam. Be generous and say that's worth $35 or so - the keyboard's a STEAL at $65!

For $100, or even $65, a keyboard had better not only give me 1337 skillz, but oral pleasure as well....
I got the g15 because of the macro functions, lcd, the switch at the top that turns off the windows key and because it looks hella cool
n3g471v3 d3c1b3l said:
Lately I've been pwning on fear combat with a cheep $10 beige keyboard.... You just need some skills... save your $100 and get a better graphics card or something... good grief!
skills matter most, but some of those $10 keyboard sticks or cant handle more then 3-4 keys pressed at once. personally i wouldnt spend a $100 on a keyboard, but i did spend $30 for my saitek eclipse.
wow, i cant believe all the ppl that took the gaming skillz seriously at all. the only reason to get one keyboard over another is cuz of its layout and features. i think razer made a huge flop with this keyboard. design-wise, it looks like shit. seriously, who wants the del insert setup like that? also, staggered arrows and numpad will scare off the gamers who use the arrow keys area (like me! :)) who might've considered getting this board. extra programmable buttons along the side? what a nice and inconvenient location to place them!

only "gaming" keyboard i'd want is the g15, but that's cuz of the lcd section and the buttons there that u can bind to a music player. but still, i wouldn't pay full retail for one, probably not even half retail. a keyboard just isn't that important imo, and money doesnt just grow on trees.
linjy2 said:
skills matter most, but some of those $10 keyboard sticks or cant handle more then 3-4 keys pressed at once. personally i wouldn't spend a $100 on a keyboard, but i did spend $30 for my saitek eclipse.

Mine let's me push 3 at a time easily. only on rare occasions would I ever need 4 at a time...(strafing left, running backwards, zooming in, and jumping; all simultaneously) :p

I must admit, I made a trip to the local Best Buy a few months ago and got to touch a Saitek Eclipse for first time... It feels nice... When I build my next system I will be getting one...but that's the most I'd ever pay for a keyboard... I couldn't even fathom the Razer Tarantula feeling 3x better to justify the price...

Does any one know about the Saitek Eclipse 2? What's the difference between the first and second one? besides being able to change the color....
n3g471v3 d3c1b3l said:
Mine let's me push 3 at a time easily. only on rare occasions would I ever need 4 at a time...(strafing left, running backwards, zooming in, and jumping; all simultaneously) :p

I must admit, I made a trip to the local Best Buy a few months ago and got to touch a Saitek Eclipse for first time... It feels nice... When I build my next system I will be getting one...but that's the most I'd ever pay for a keyboard... I couldn't even fathom the Razer Tarantula feeling 3x better to justify the price...

Does any one know about the Saitek Eclipse 2? What's the difference between the first and second one? besides being able to change the color....
It has multimedia buttons and a volume knob.
Hmm...even if it were around $50 I don't think that would work for me because I have a pullout keyboard tray with limited space. The blue lights would match my Diamondback plasma perfectly...but then again so does my Saitek Eclipse that I got for $40. :cool:
I remember I bought the Razer Boomslang 2000 when it came out, and the drivers made me format my Win2k system once because the system couldn't be repaired. So that sucked.

The mouse was never even that much better then a logitech in my opinion. Hype yourself up, but the most hype is how you paid $99 for a keyboard or mouse. I agree with everyone that mentions to put this money towards a video card or higher cpu.
Razer has to prove to me as a customer they are innovative. for $100....it should be wireless bluetooth....the mice and the keyboards. If your stuff is so high tech the least you can do is make it cordless. Who wants to spend $100 for a mouse that wasn't even optical, or cordless........
They know how to make a quick buck, those things cost no more then a logitech to produce.
I love the names the companies give to keyboards and mice.
factory81 said:
I remember I bought the Razer Boomslang 2000 when it came out, and the drivers made me format my Win2k system once because the system couldn't be repaired. So that sucked.

The mouse was never even that much better then a logitech in my opinion. Hype yourself up, but the most hype is how you paid $99 for a keyboard or mouse. I agree with everyone that mentions to put this money towards a video card or higher cpu.
Razer has to prove to me as a customer they are innovative. for $100....it should be wireless bluetooth....the mice and the keyboards. If your stuff is so high tech the least you can do is make it cordless. Who wants to spend $100 for a mouse that wasn't even optical, or cordless........
They know how to make a quick buck, those things cost no more then a logitech to produce.

Personally I hate coredless mice/keyboards, there is nothing that I hate more than having to constantly sink more money into the thing. Now if it was wireless and never required batteries or to be charged, that would be another story. But what can I say I paid 5 dollars for the keyboard I'm using right now.
not thread crapping, but I just don't get how you are supposed to own more with a 100 dollar keyboard.....

i've never once been killed in BF2, and said "HOLY CRAP YOU STUPID KEYBOARD!!!"

just never happened... and i've been using the same AOPEN keyboard for about 5 years now... love it, paid 10 bucks for it..

say word!
garrettgjb said:
Only keyboard that I would spend more than 50 dolars for is the optimus keyboard. :)
+1!!! when the eff is that full sized one supposed to come out?
Morphes said:
I got the g15 because of the macro functions, lcd, the switch at the top that turns off the windows key and because it looks hella cool

that keyboard is very popular with BF2 gamers due to the macro "features"
I want one :p
How is this deal hot? Is $99.99 full retail price or is it really $149.99? If free shipping makes this hot, then couldn't I just visit the local best buy on my way home and pick one up for the same price?
RooK said:
not thread crapping, but I just don't get how you are supposed to own more with a 100 dollar keyboard.....

i've never once been killed in BF2, and said "HOLY CRAP YOU STUPID KEYBOARD!!!"

just never happened... and i've been using the same AOPEN keyboard for about 5 years now... love it, paid 10 bucks for it..

say word!

I beg to differ, had some friends who would pound on their keyboards when they got fragged in CS. On the other hand, supposedly this Razer kb has OLED technology in it, which could explain the price. We need a review here.
n3g471v3 d3c1b3l said:
I must admit, I made a trip to the local Best Buy a few months ago and got to touch a Saitek Eclipse for first time... It feels nice... When I build my next system I will be getting one...but that's the most I'd ever pay for a keyboard... I couldn't even fathom the Razer Tarantula feeling 3x better to justify the price...

Does any one know about the Saitek Eclipse 2? What's the difference between the first and second one? besides being able to change the color....

I love my Saitek, I got it a little cheaper as I work for Best Buy :)
i got it for using in my dorm at night, but i soon found the feel of the keys to be so nice that when i went home and had to use a keyboard i had from long ago i just about went insane...
I am not sure which version i have as i am currently in India away from my loved keyboard, (ran out of room and weight, otherwise it would have been with me) but i know its at least the 2nd revision where the letters on the keys are lit rather then the area behind them....
n3g471v3 d3c1b3l said:
Mine let's me push 3 at a time easily. only on rare occasions would I ever need 4 at a time...(strafing left, running backwards, zooming in, and jumping; all simultaneously) :p

I must admit, I made a trip to the local Best Buy a few months ago and got to touch a Saitek Eclipse for first time... It feels nice... When I build my next system I will be getting one...but that's the most I'd ever pay for a keyboard... I couldn't even fathom the Razer Tarantula feeling 3x better to justify the price...

Does any one know about the Saitek Eclipse 2? What's the difference between the first and second one? besides being able to change the color....
I have the Eclipse 2. The feel is better than the first model, the paint apparently doesn't rub off like the first model as well.

The first model had a 'cheap' feel to everything about it. This one looks and feels better in every way. I haven't encountered that annoying beep when you hit more than 3 keys at once either.

Oh, and as for the optimus keyboard, that's vaporhardware until I actually see one.
Killa_2327 said:
I don't know...thats a pretty fucking sweet keyboard, too bad it only comes in blue. Red is far superior :D

Yeah, why in the world do these companies use blue? It is way too bright. Red gives you enough light to see by and doesn't contract your iris. (well, if you like playing in the dark. ;) )

I'd be interested to see it at the store. I don't know why they offer a webcam thingy with it. How many people actually use a webcam device while playing a game? :rolleyes:
iirc the tarantula doesn't even have all of its keys backlit. for that kind of price it should have lighting like the G15 at least.
amdfan25 said:
I beg to differ, had some friends who would pound on their keyboards when they got fragged in CS. On the other hand, supposedly this Razer kb has OLED technology in it, which could explain the price. We need a review here.

i somewhat take that back... before i got my current USB keyboard, there were times that I couldn't press 6 or so keys at once... that got annoying, but if a 10 dollar keyboard can

eh... whats the point
amdfan25 said:
On the other hand, supposedly this Razer kb has OLED technology in it, which could explain the price.
OLEDs are actually quite cheap to produce. The only thing jacking up the price here is the brand.
I just picked up this keyboard yesterday a Circuit City and I have to admit it is very well made lot of great features, pretty easy to map the key's, nice software works great really enjoy the feel of it nice and crisp keys slick design

all in all a good purchase I think, yea it may be 99 buck but I think ya get good quality with that money.

Ill get pic of it up when i get home for ya's.
If this keyboard has mechanical keys like the old IBM or the DAS keyboard, then I'll be all over it.