Reallocation Sector Count = HDD dying?


Oct 13, 2004
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rma drive if possible
remove from any raid/pool whenever possible
in the mean time monitor reallocated sector count ... if it comes up make its removal a ultrahigh priority
and ... expect datacorruption
it may or may not be a big issue. I have some drives that have run fine for years after having a few reallocated sectors. If it continues to grow though, then you definitely have a problem.
Yeah, if the sector count stays stable, not too bad, I've had drives last years after getting a bout of bad sectors. If it keeps increasing incrementally, expect the drive to self destruct in short or medium term.

In any case, if on warranty, return for sure.
it may or may not be a big issue. I have some drives that have run fine for years after having a few reallocated sectors. If it continues to grow though, then you definitely have a problem.

Fully agreed. I have had drives in servers for years with a non zero but stable Reallocated Sectors Count. Although if the Raw value for that attribute grows daily or weekly this is a big sign that the drive is on its way out. I have seen this dozens of times (yes dozens).