Recommend Good NIMH Recharables for Digital Cam

Al Shades

Limp Gawd
Dec 29, 2006
I am thinking of purchasing the following camera:

SAMSUNG S1050 Black 10.1 MP Digital Camera

According to the reviews, the battery life is poor with store bought batteries. I have been wanting to buy recharable batteries for some time but I did not know enough about them to make an educated purchase. Apparently, some are better than others.

What does a good recharable battery kit cost and what specs should I be looking for?

Can rechargables be used in place of standard AA/AAA batteries in all appliances?
what I would do (all that I can answer re your questions, sorry)
get the highest-capacity GP aa's you can find (forget where I bought em, online)
like, the gp aaa's are "gp 800" and *if* I recall the aa's are in 2 capacities
and have a pack of cheap regulars for emergency backup (only maybe)
that applies 4 years ago. Dunno if newer technologies than nimh are better, have
read some but do not recall a lot
There are rechargeables that perform better than others - though you'll have to track down reviews that have actually tested the batteries for real numbers and runtime analysis. However, it's generally not worth it to pay a price premium for higher capacity batteries versus buying more lesser capacity batteries.

You can use rechargeables in place of non-rechargeable batteries in most devices.
I've been using the Energizer 15 minute rechargeables for awhile now, 2500mAh for the AA's. They work very well and only take a fast 15 mins to charge!
The higher the mAh rating the better. Eneloop batteries might be a good compromise if you don't use the camera often and want to make sure the batteries still have a charge when you pick it up. Most rechargeables discharge quickly over time even when not in use whereas Eneloops hold their charge longer.
I've used a number of different brands, including the overrated GPs, and find that Energizer are as good as any and easy to find. I prefer reliability and lifespan to some marginal increase in mAh rating.