Recommendation for an enthusiast?


Jan 7, 2005
Hello everyone,
I am a long time reader of the forums and game enthusiast despite just registering today! I hate to make my first post a question but am in need of your collective wisdom. I have an interesting compatibility question and am hoping some of you might be able to point me in the right direction.

I am in need of a new motherboard or motherboard/CPU combo which will accept one gig of PC2700 RAM (2 sticks). My current rig does not have USB 2.0 and it is beginning to annoy me! However, I do not have the budget for a whole new system and can only spend between $200-$300. I am currently running a P4 2.4ghz processor but am open for upgrading it if I cannot find a compatible mobo with USB 2.0.

If you are wondering why my budget is so small it because I am remodeling my game room and just installed a DLP projector (NEC LT240K) with a 72” screen!! Gaming on it is incredible!! I will post pics once my room remodel is complete.

Thanks in advance for your help!

im not an intell guy...but i would suggest just getting an asus p4c800 deluxe for 95 bucks slap ur current proc in there and buy better ram with the extra money. that proc is supposed to overclock like a beast and with that MB ull get usb 2.0 and if u want to be able to oc that lil puppy quite nicely. better ram would not only help ur proformence but with good ram ull be able to oc very well. even if ur not interesting in ocing the two suggestions above are still good. u can get a gig of pc 3200 ram for under 200 bucks or around there for good timings. btw if u really wanna keep ur pc2700 ram it will work in that MB just as in most any mb u should get. good luck!
Actually, P4 2.4GHz is diversified by 2 types of socket: 478 pins and 423 pins...

please inform us guys of your CPU's socket first for our correct recommendation.....
artimasz said:
pretty much somes it up there. hopefully it's 478 =)

I think Powerleap and a few others make Socket 423 to 478 adapters if absolutely necessary. Though admittedly, a 478 CPU would be more advanced.
Thanks for the help gugys - I really appreciate it!

Is there any way to tell which socket type the processor is by either looking at it or in the bios? Unfortunately it has been a number of years since I bought it and no longer have the retail box.

Thanks again for your help!!