recommendations for a good fan controller?


Limp Gawd
Jun 28, 2005
hey everyone...i'm thinkin of investing in a fan controller, as the new panaflos i bought (high speed) are just a little louder than i had wanted (altho they provide the cooling i want). so i've been looking around for something that will be able to control a few of the fans in my case (about 4 fans would suffice). right now i'm leaning towards an Aerogate II (would look at the aerogate III but the display is only one line which doesn't provide much info). i need something that doesn't have huge dials either, as my case (an ultra dragon glossy) has a front panel and i don't want the dials to prevent the panel from closing. so can anyone give me some recommendations for controllers that do a good job, or verify that the aerogate II works well? i'm not lookin to spend a whole lot of this either, around $40-50 max. thanks
also, the vantec nxp's look good too....not sure which one (the 201 or 205), but they look like they could do the trick as well...any thoughts?