Red Faction Armageddon?

Sorry to bump this, but thank you for that FOV mod! Looking for that everywhere. Got this for 4.99 on Amazon sale, didn't know anything about it. Needless to say, I'm loving this game! Worth the money and then some. Not sure though I'd pay 60 but heck now a days...i never do!

This magnet's..well, it's so awesome..brings tears to my eyes. They game was good before I got it, but once in possession of the MG, all bets are off.

Good time to be a PC gamer in my opinion...well for great deals anyways...
Sorry to bump this, but thank you for that FOV mod! Looking for that everywhere. Got this for 4.99 on Amazon sale, didn't know anything about it. Needless to say, I'm loving this game! Worth the money and then some. Not sure though I'd pay 60 but heck now a days...i never do!

This magnet's..well, it's so awesome..brings tears to my eyes. They game was good before I got it, but once in possession of the MG, all bets are off.

Good time to be a PC gamer in my opinion...well for great deals anyways...

Agreed. The magnet gun and rebuild mechanic were brilliant. I really don't understand why the game got shit on so hard. Guerrilla wasn't even that good of a game.
I really don't understand why the game got shit on so hard. Guerrilla wasn't even that good of a game.

It's because it was such a big departure from RF:G. RF:G had a very vocal fanbase and once they heard Armageddon was going linear most just started talking crap before even playing it due to this weird misconception that open always beats linear. It's unfortunate that more people didn't go in with an open mind and enjoy what was given despite it not being just like the predecessor.
Because you can play and replay the hell out of mission and challenge based games. RF:A was a great linear game, but damn it would have been so much better with tons of missions and stuff.
Because you can play and replay the hell out of mission and challenge based games. RF:A was a great linear game, but damn it would have been so much better with tons of missions and stuff.

Not really. RF: G had nothing else going for it except the destruction and when you got bored of that there was no reason to keep playing. I'm having a lot more fun with RF: A because of how it's paced and how the destruction/reconstruction stuff is used. Then again I prefer linear experiences 90% of the time.
You know, i'm nearing the end (i think) of RF: A, and yeah some might call it a linear game, but not CoD linear. I mean heck you can rip a wall off and make your own path! Plus it does have a couple alt routes. I don't think it's that linear. I will tell you what this game does have though, pure awesomeness. The more I play the more I'm baffled this game didn't get more exposure. The reviews were good, but not great in most cases. Don't get it.

I have not run into a glitch, the game runs and looks terrific. Controls, no complaints, Weapons...mostly great. Story, yeah sub par, but that's fine.

This will go down as the best 5 dollar purchase in my gaming history that's for sure.
the last one includes replayable missions and challenges of all types. this one, you have some path choices in some areas, but generally they lead to the same destination. it is a great game, especially @ $5, but they did drop a lot of things that people really liked.
the last one includes replayable missions and challenges of all types. this one, you have some path choices in some areas, but generally they lead to the same destination. it is a great game, especially @ $5, but they did drop a lot of things that people really liked.

But RF: G really offered nothing other than the destruction mechanic and even then RF1 and 2 did it BETTER. RF: G was fun in the same way that an old GTA game is fun, but I'd argue that the three games around it were over-all better games.
But RF: G really offered nothing other than the destruction mechanic and even then RF1 and 2 did it BETTER. RF: G was fun in the same way that an old GTA game is fun, but I'd argue that the three games around it were over-all better games.

Although I found RF:A to be a solid gaming experience, I found the re-playability and dynamic firefights of RF:G to be much more satisfying. The mission structure allowed for so many different possibilities and strategies it's was ridiculous! I found the overall gunplay in RF:G to be much more satisfying.. Yes, the magnet gun is very cool, but after a few hours of toying around with it, it's kinda gimmicky.

RF:G isn't just my favourite game in the Red Faction series, it is one of my favourite games of all time! I even created a huge amount of gameplay videos from the missions (on insane difficulty) to show off how cinematic and entertaining it can be. For me, RF:A never reached the standard set by RF:G except that it was much more optimized and technically polished.

In RF:G you could be in the midst of a firefight when a flyer enters the air space.. Locking on with your rocket launcher, the aircraft wing is clipped and proceeds to crash into a massive building, destroying half of it with a huge explosion. It's a sight to behold these dynamic and unscripted events and I haven't seen anything come close to that in a game since. That passage of gameplay I mentioned can be watched in a clip I made below:

Red Faction: Guerrilla - Base defense (flyer crashes into building)
You know what?

This game's grown on me. I'd purchased it back on that Steam sale for $5 or something ridiculous like that.

Got this FOV fix that's out there and that made a nice difference.

I played it for a bit, enjoyed it for what it was, and then Mass Effect rolled through and dominated. Just today I finally worked my way back to this thing and I think I'm going chime in also with the "underrated, overlooked, and excessively hated on" message.

I liked RF:G as well.

Part one is still the best in the series overall. I guess it'll never happen now but I'd love to have a true balls to the wall sequel to THAT game, in first person, with all that it would entail.

I guess I can keep on dreaming.
Part one is still the best in the series overall. I guess it'll never happen now but I'd love to have a true balls to the wall sequel to THAT game, in first person, with all that it would entail.

I guess I can keep on dreaming.

Yeah, it's a shame that Volition have closed the doors on the Red Faction IP indefinitely. It would be great if Volition licensed out the Geo-Mod tech to be incorperated into other games. The possibilities are huge.

Still, this kind of thing is exactly what kickstarter is made for. Perhaps if some of the devs are passionate enough about the game they could bring the series back to life. I guess that would depend on rights ownership etc.

I'd happily pay for a new open world TPS Red Faction (Guerrilla 2?) or a FPS remake of the original done right.
So long as they keep the deformable TERRAIN that the first one had. That's what really made it so unique - even by today's standards. Here's the first 10 minutes or so of Red Faction 1. You can see the terrain deformation used from the start to blast into adjacent rooms and such. At around 5:30 he is getting shot at by a rocket launcher and you can see the chips flying from behind him. If the player had turned around there, you'd see a hole similar to that seen in the first linked vid. Near the end he decides to use a TBM to try to dig his way around a checkpoint. You could do that to any natural material (and some man-made ones!). So much awesome!

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I spent longer than I'd like to admit messing with the deformable terrain in RF1.
I spent longer than I'd like to admit messing with the deformable terrain in RF1.

I'll never forget strapping a det pack to my first Ultor guard lol.

Such an amazing game back then, hell I still fire up the multiplayer from to time with the purefaction patch.
They need to make a real Red Faction 3 or a real Gurella 2. That would work not this bug tunnel nonsense.
They need to make a real Red Faction 3 or a real Gurella 2. That would work not this bug tunnel nonsense.

THQ killed the Red Faction series so it'll never happen. They might as well rename Volition to Saints Row now since they is all they will be doing.
RF:G had that awesome and incredibly fun multiplayer modes. I think thats what made people whine. I know thats why I didnt buy RF:A
RF:G had that awesome and incredibly fun multiplayer modes. I think thats what made people whine. I know thats why I didnt buy RF:A

Yeah it is awesome. Such a shame so few people play it nowdays. It seems the only times I can get a match going are a peak hours friday-sunday.