Red Faction TV Movie in the works

It's only hope is if it's in 3D and there's constantly debris being flung in your face.
Oh boy, a made for TV movie. The only way it could get worse is having Uwe Boll in the director's chair. :rolleyes:
/me stares blankly at the screen

/me is giddy

/me reads the actors and directors

/me cries when he sees Uwe Boll's name

I dont know who is directing this movie (IMDB has no information on this made for TV movie yet).
Definitely not enough information to go on yet, apart from Syfy's track record...and that admittedly doesn't fill me with hope for this.
lol, yep, this movie is gonna suck balls! Good thing the game rocks!

Singleplayer is great but Multiplayer leaves so so much to be desired. It take's too long to find a game period. This may be less of an issue on the 360, but Multiplayer on the PC is a ghost town.