Rediculous Driver problem


May 28, 2008
I just had the most annoying issue with my current system and I thought I'd share to see if anyone else has had the same issue...

I ordered NOD32 antivirus for my new system. I had avast! installed. I uninstalled avast! and restarted my computer, only to be greeted by a black screen and the OSD on my monitor telling me that no signal was detected. I had to grab my old monitor and plug it in. For some reason my system would NOT boot with my newer monitor until I completely removed all catalyst drivers as well as monitor drivers for my old monitor. Why uninstalling avast! did this is beyond me! It now works, I had to reinstall all video/monitor related drivers. Took me a couple hours to figure out what to do... talk about annoying.
Dont be ridiculous!
Op, yeah it is odd and unusual.
Cant think of a decent reason how that could happen.
I think more people spell ridiculous wrong than right.

I agree, but I'm normally pretty good at spelling... I honestly was pretty pissed. I thought I was going to have to send back my monitor because I was having issues with it before. I despise RMA's!

Dont be ridiculous!
Op, yeah it is odd and unusual.
Cant think of a decent reason how that could happen.

Neither can I... Probably one of the most random driver/software related issues I've ever had.
I think the EDID info got wiped out, or there was an update to that component that wouldn't happen.

Since you're using Vista 64, stay away from bullshit stuff and you wouldn't even need an AV. Trust me, 90% of the viruses just stop and have an error LOL.
I think the EDID info got wiped out, or there was an update to that component that wouldn't happen.

Since you're using Vista 64, stay away from bullshit stuff and you wouldn't even need an AV. Trust me, 90% of the viruses just stop and have an error LOL.

I don't download anything unless I am absolutely sure it is safe. My family members like to use my computer when I am not around... better to be safe than sorry! I believe it about the viruses though. vista 64 ftw!
Ok now I seriously need some help... It happened again. This time I didn't uninstall anything. I shut the entire system off, unplugged everything and did some things in my case, namely some cleaning of the dust in the case. I unplugged all PCI/PCI-E Components and then put it all back together. Go to turn on windows and it WILL not display anything on my V2400W past the windows loading screen (aka when the login screen shows the monitor says no signal). I attempted what I did last time to remedy the situation but it will not work. I have my old monitor hooked up just to type this. I did some research and found it has something to do with the EDID. What can I do? Any suggestions would be helpful... I am really tempted to send my 4870 back to newegg and get a GTX 280 or 260...
Its funny you jump on the 4870 to blame for crappy anti virus software that you dont need anyway since your using vista. I would do a clean install as it seems some things within windows have been messed up by either you or the anti virus program. It's obvious its not the monitor or video card if it stays on just before getting to windows load screen.
Its funny you jump on the 4870 to blame for crappy anti virus software that you dont need anyway since your using vista. I would do a clean install as it seems some things within windows have been messed up by either you or the anti virus program. It's obvious its not the monitor or video card if it stays on just before getting to windows load screen.

I certainly am NOT blaming the anti virus, as you seem to think it is the issue. I actually do need it, as I have stated I am not the only one to use my computer. A simple "4870 EDID" google will show you that multiple people are having the exact same issue as I am. It DOES have to do with the video card and the monitor. A lot of people have been posting on the ATi/AMD forums about the issue and the anti-virus has nothing to do with it. I am willing to dump the 4870 if nVidia does not have the problem, which seems to be true since I hooked up the new monitor to my old system which has a 6600 GT and it does not have the problem at all. As for the clean install... I intend to try that on Thursday when I have the free time to do so, but I am not too hopeful as a few people who posted on the ATi/AMD forums have stated they have formatted their drives multiple times but experience the exact same problem upon installing any instance of catalyst drivers.

EDIT: From what I have read it appears that there is some ordeal with monitor manufacturers and video card makers concerning the EDID. The monitor works fine if you leave it as a Generic monitor, but that doesn't help much considering you cannot do much in terms of gaming without actually installing the drivers. (Windows is unable to detect the proper resolutions, at least in my case) I have a feeling that when I uninstalled my previous anti-virus that it was the first time I restarted my computer since I installed the monitor driver. While it does seem hasty for me to consider dumping my 4870 in favor for a GTX 280, I find it may be necessary. If I cannot get the system to work by tomorrow I will be putting in an RMA to newegg for the 4870 because my 30 day window for returns/refunds is up in a few days. I find it disheartening to have to do such a thing, but I do not feel it right that I would have to wait around for ATi to fix the issue with a driver update. Who knows when that will happen, if at all. Also... it appears that this does not happen with any other ATi card but the new cards (4870/4850). Here's a link to the amd forums where people are talking about the problem.