Refresh Rate on Samsung 710N?


Aug 5, 2003
I just got a Samsung 710n for Christmas, and am enjoying the hell out of it. It is a beautiful monitor and came with just one dead pixel, which isn't really bothering me much at all. I'm running it at its native 1280x1024 resolution and am wondering what refresh rate I should set it at? The monitor suggests 60Hz, though I can run it at 70Hz and 72Hz. Also, if I uncheck "Hide modes that this monitor cannot display" I can get use 75Hz, which works fine. And if I'm using vsync in gaming, which refresh rate should I be using?
I have a 172x that I'm running at 75. If you use V-sync, the higher the better.
I thought it was DVI = 60Hz and VGA = 75Hz.
Since the 710N is VGA only, 75Hz.. and i dont suggest using vsync.. pointless.. but anyway :p
Do LCDs not tear, cause I'm getting no tearing in Madden 2005 with vsync off. And does anybody know why Windows won't detect 75Hz as a refresh rate that my monitor can handle? Cause due to this, I'm unable to select 75Hz in various games, and if I try to force it using the Nvidia control panel, I get really low frame rates in Madden 2005.
I never noticed any tearing until I tried turning v-sync on, and then it was painfully obvious. I don't understand the purpose of v-sync but I haven't paid much attention.
Since LCD monitors do not employ phosphors, refresh rate is not a concern. Basically, the transistors in the LCD remain open or closed as needed until the image changes. This can be a point of confusion for some consumers, however, since most graphics cards still "ask for" a refresh rate setting. This is due to the analog nature of existing graphic cards (see "Inputs" section) and their support for CRT displays. While refresh rates do not apply to LCD monitors, most LCDs are set up to accept any settings from 60Hz and above.

I'll just run it at 60Hz from now on, that way the panel doesn't auto-adjust and change my settings when I run a game. Cause the problem before was running it at 75Hz on the desktop, and then I would have to run 60Hz, 70Hz, or 72Hz in games because 75Hz wasn't selectable, and then the panel would have to auto-adjust the picture.
It does not matter what refresh rate you run it at. LCD's do not refresh.

The only reason a refresh rate is listed is because the video card insists on it. 60Hz will work fine, or 70, 72, 75, or 1 million. It doesn't matter.

Just pretend that refresh rate does not exist (which, for all practical purposes it doesn't). :D
Shorty said:
I just got a Samsung 710n for Christmas, and am enjoying the hell out of it. It is a beautiful monitor and came with just one dead pixel, which isn't really bothering me much at all. I'm running it at its native 1280x1024 resolution and am wondering what refresh rate I should set it at? The monitor suggests 60Hz, though I can run it at 70Hz and 72Hz. Also, if I uncheck "Hide modes that this monitor cannot display" I can get use 75Hz, which works fine. And if I'm using vsync in gaming, which refresh rate should I be using?

BTW, Samsung just started a "Zero Dead Pixels" policy effective Jan 1st. I'd call them and see if they won't send you a new one. :)