Remote Control Birth Control Implant

Of course its relevant... why would you need this if you use condoms? Totally redundant. So point is, wrap it!

Thin ones break too often and the normal ones have zero feeling. Plan B in a breakfast sandwich works far better ;)
Because couples and even married couples have never been known to cheat on their partner... :rolleyes:

Anyone on this forum that has never had a partner cheat on them, raise your hand. Now 3/4 of you put your hand back down, because it just means you weren't sly enough to catch em!

I'm clean, but one in six people in the US have genital herpes. Unprotected sex once in a blue moon, fine, but if you go that route all the time, enjoy your STDs. No thanks.

Lol. Wearing a condom 100% of the time in case your wife/SO happens to cheat on you, happens to not use a condom, and happens to get an STD. Enjoy your less satisfying sex for virtually no reason. No thanks.
Protest groups will be watering at the mouth once this idea hits them. Signs that read: REMOTE CONTROL BIRTH CONTROL = MURDER!!!!! or


Implant one of these in every woman (and a male equivalent in every man).

Fill out an application for pro-creation, proving that you're mentally, physically, financially, and emotionally prepared to take care of a child, instead of dumping those responsibilities on others/social services/etc.

When you are deemed fit, you can have your own remote :)
[L]imey;1040950915 said:
When you are deemed fit, you can have your own remote :)
But then Democrats would have to rely solely on the children of illegal immigrants to increase their voter base. :(
/tinfoil hat on

We just recently saw facebook admit to news manipulation for a mood study.

Whose to say these devices won't be manipulated by something/someone to do a "study" in eugenics?

/hat off

"Whoops, I got pregnant! Sorry honey I must have sat on the remote". Butt-dialing takes on a whole new horrible meaning.