Replacement for Logitech MX1000


Mar 8, 2003
I'm still using a Logitech MX1000 from 2004, but it's starting to fail.

I've tried to replace it a few times but I always went back. Looking at the MX Master.. Anyone have experience with both?

If you are looking for wireless mouse that feels like wired mice for gaming then Logitech G700s - but you will need to recharge it everyday.

Don't know where you live but has them for 50 euros at the moment
Thanks for the suggestions. Is the current G700s that rough texture where the thumb sits? I actually have the G700 on my pile of mice but I hated that feel, and prefer the grippy material of the MX1000's sides.
I don't have G700 to compare but yes all the reviews/opinions mentioned texture is same or very similar.
I have a G700S and while it's a good mouse, battery life is very bad, it has to be charged daily, and the overall feel is uncomfortable.
I found an old MX Revolution in my scrap pile and I'm not sure it ever even got tested. Going to give it a go..
I still have my MX1000. It's seen better days, lol. I've been eyeing the ASUS GX950 to replace my Logitech G9X. I can't deal with a wireless mouse again.
I still have my MX1000. It's seen better days, lol. I've been eyeing the ASUS GX950 to replace my Logitech G9X. I can't deal with a wireless mouse again.

Let me know, I still have a g9x that's brand new with all the accessories sitting in the closet.
I love the MX1000. I had to stop using them at home for gaming when middle button started having issues and would not consistently work. I ended up buying Logitech G9x 2-3 years ago. I use one of my old MX1000s at work still. I ended up donating my 2nd one to goodwill here in town that takes PC parts.
my mx1000 right click is inconsistent. when the left click did it I was able to re-tension the spring but it took hours to get the spring back in, no way I'm doing that again.

what about the logitech g602? I don't really want to spend over $50. I've used a g700 at work but it seemed to be a little too bulky for fps. i have small-medium size hands.