Resurrecting the Q9550 DDR2 or DDR3 ?


Jun 13, 2007
I resurrected my Q9550 C0 chip.
Paired it up with the P5G41C-M Asus board.
Used some 2x2GB DDR2 OCZ Gold Ram.
Finished it up with XFX 4770 in it.

Sold all my higher end gear because I got tired of waiting, It is just absurt waiting for the next gen games that i wanted to play. So i decided to wait it out with this older machine till the new games come out and buy me a new system then.

My question is RAM, right now it has 800mhz ram DDR2 in it.
The Board is able to take DDR3, i know i can only either or.
I have the Chip OCed mildly, from 2.83GHz to 3.0Ghz
I dont plan to go any higher, but will DDR3 give me any performance boost ?
I resurrected my Q9550 C0 chip.
Paired it up with the P5G41C-M Asus board.
Used some 2x2GB DDR2 OCZ Gold Ram.
Finished it up with XFX 4770 in it.

Sold all my higher end gear because I got tired of waiting, It is just absurt waiting for the next gen games that i wanted to play. So i decided to wait it out with this older machine till the new games come out and buy me a new system then.

My question is RAM, right now it has 800mhz ram DDR2 in it.
The Board is able to take DDR3, i know i can only either or.
I have the Chip OCed mildly, from 2.83GHz to 3.0Ghz
I dont plan to go any higher, but will DDR3 give me any performance boost ?

Not really, ddr2 800mhz is fine.
Stick with DDR2 800; you'll seem no performance increase by switching to DDR3 since modern processors directly access main memory only about 1% of the time anyway.
Cool, that should keep my Old School mashine kicking na screaming for a while.
Q9550 shoudl suffice me for a while even in new games correct ?
Its mainly graphic card i have to get later on to keep up, unless that has changed with the new games.
At the current rate of development for games, the Q9550 will be far more than enough to meet your gaming needs for many years to come. As long as the current generation of consoles are around, Core 2 will be plenty and the Q9550 is still a mighty CPU. Hell, I have my CPU at stock speeds and the only game it won't completely annihilate is GTA IV.
Yeah thats i figured. Its just i havent seen anything interesting. For me worth having a high end Computer.

So what do you mean by it cant handle GTA IV ?
Isnt that game very graphic intensive ?
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GTA IV is poorly ported and a resource hog. It loves to be able to use as many cores as possible and will really start to chug even on low end quad cores.