Mar 9, 2018
Can we please finally make SWATTING classified as domestic terrorism and throw the book at these clowns so the rest of their life is restrictive as hell!?
Heard it from TheQuartering a few minutes ago, couldn't find a real news link so I'm posting his video.

Video of the SWATTING.
I don't like Rich a whole lot, but I'm not going to try and murder him by proxy just because I don't agree with all of his opinions. He still puts out good content and I like getting his side of things from time to time.
Swatting, unfortunately, isn't going away any time soon.

It's a effective trolling tactic that can be done anonymously and from different countries, and the troll gets exactly what they want, to provoke a reaction from someone. A reaction they get to watch in real time as it happens to the streamer.
seemed like quite the tame swatting event. "Police? Alright hold on..."
I think police are well aware of swatting now. Also all the scrutiny police get over ever action now has police a little more hasten to pull the trigger.
He is very vocal about swatting insidents and does very clearly say what he thinks about them and people doing it. It was only a matter of time before some asshat tried to Swat him too.
How are people getting his address in the first place? Or was he naive enough to post it online? Swatting is awful and needs to be treated harshly.
How are people getting his address in the first place? Or was he naive enough to post it online? Swatting is awful and needs to be treated harshly.

Unlikely. There are ways to find it if you are determined enough.
How are people getting his address in the first place? Or was he naive enough to post it online? Swatting is awful and needs to be treated harshly.

Its pretty easy to do. Many of these youtubers are going to have their channel under a llc or some other registered company. If you can figure out what state they are in(again not hard in many cases) you can look it up on the state corporation commission's website. You will generally see a real address somewhere listed with it for the business and the agents of the business and their address.

Now you have ways to hide some of this. You can have a lawyer listed as the registered agent and try to hide as much as you can behind po boxes but as a general rule most are not thinking about that when making a LLC or other type of corp.
Yep all you need is a name and city/state.
You can see their past and current addresses, their aquaintances, family, phone numbers. Not 100% accurate sometimes but accurate enough to be unsettling
Public records can be very scary sometimes.
Here's an example website:
He is very vocal about swatting insidents and does very clearly say what he thinks about them and people doing it. It was only a matter of time before some asshat tried to Swat him too.
Rich has been swatted before. When it happened people accused him of lying about it since he has been very vocal about condemning swatting incidents in the past.
Unfortunately swatting also draws a lot of attention to the victim so it can easily be seen as a publicity stunt as well.
How are people getting his address in the first place? Or was he naive enough to post it online? Swatting is awful and needs to be treated harshly.
When ISPs, search engines, banks, CC companies, Stores, etc are all collecting and selling data on every aspect of your life, pretty hard to stay hidden. Smart Phones aka personalized tracking devices gather and make rather public vast amounts of data on where you are, what you are doing, who you are with, etc. Same for 'connected vehicles'.

When Facebook is applying for patents on predicting where you are going and who you are going to meet with using data collected about you, figuring out where you live should be rather trivial.
FB patent application:

Even if he hid behind LLCs and such, the LLC very likely made purchases, probably with a CC. That purchase data is then collected and sold, both by the retailer and the CC company. At some point, you can obtain enough data on a company to have a pretty good idea who owns it and shortly there after, where they live. Especially if you can obtain the matching shipping data for the suspect purchases.
seemed like quite the tame swatting event. "Police? Alright hold on..."
Pretty sure Rich has mentioned in the past that he has talked to his local police and told them who he is and what he does, just in case something like this happens.

As Armenius and others stated, it was done to him before and he notifies LEAs (law enforcement agencies) what he does so that might have been one of the reasons LEOs were mellow since it's in their records. Otherwise, LEOs can't afford tippy toe-ing around these calls and depending of the SWATTER said, might go in full gear, ready to shoot.
Can't remember a few years ago, I posted a video of LEOs responding to a SWATTING, cocking their shotguns, ready to bust down a door til one LEO felt it might have been a prank.
He is very vocal about swatting insidents and does very clearly say what he thinks about them and people doing it. It was only a matter of time before some asshat tried to Swat him too.

That's really your only option. When the caller of a Supersized Hostage Event (TM) could be anyone from the stream host to a paid troll in Venezuela, a conversation with local police is the best way to humanize it.
Rich has been swatted before. When it happened people accused him of lying about it since he has been very vocal about condemning swatting incidents in the past.

Aaaa, I didn't know that. I am subscribed to his YT channel but I seem to have missed a video where he mentioned it. I do not follow his livestreams though.