Robots are Going to Kill Us ALL Theme Music


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
This is one of those times when you need to put your inexpensively configured HardOCP Spec Bookshelf Speaker Setup and your 4K display to good use. It does however suck knowing that a robot can deliver a much cleaner bass-line than most folks on the planet, and then beat you to death with the instrument and never feel bad about either. You can hit up Nigel Stanford's site should you want to purchase the album. Thanks Joe!!

Check out the video.

Robots rock, they were fun to work with. My favorite is the robotic drummer. More work to be done, and maybe I could play with them live.
Wonderful. Now they have an accompaniment for when they are crushing our skulls and ripping our spines out of our bodies. Why am I hearing "Blue Danube" as follows:


Oh great, it's stuck in my head.
That's Boss, man ...

Thats amazing, but it does take 3 robots to do what 1 person does on the drums !!! The track isn't half bad either.
Thats amazing, but it does take 3 robots to do what 1 person does on the drums !!! The track isn't half bad either.

An experienced person could have 2 robot arms set up to do that. Even a human has to use 2 arms to do things like that.

They're more precise and faster than human hands could do, when properly programmed. They can also reproduce the same routine exactly the same way over and over again, so long as the instruments are not moved or set up in the exact same relative arrangement. There are lots of things that robots could do better than humans, but the automation has to be set up properly to do them.
It's reassuring that the same robot arm that will be twisting my head off will also be able to play the piano.
I for one welcome our new musical robot overlords. This is better than at least 90% of the "music" that's being force fed to the masses these days.
They're literally "Heavy Metal" musicians. The real question is; will they be playing "Death Metal" when they're killing us all?!
This is why I finally decided to join [H] --good old fashioned robo-paranoia, gotta love it! (And when they really do come after you, it's no longer paranoia.)
They already are coming after us,...they just do not have legs yet. But they do not need any! People are happily accepting them into their homes!

One day, they will ban together, become mobile, and then we are all screwed!
I guess you guys haven't seen the most metal band of all time?
Let me when they play some real music like AC/DC, Grand Funk Railroad, Nazareth, Cheap Trick, Don Felder, Sammy Hagar, Trust, Jerry Riggs, Blue Oyster Cult, Pink Floyd.
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That promises to be difficult given that they're all CGI.

No, actually they are not CGI.

"Along the path to creating AUTOMATICA, Stanford enlisted the help of a cast of characters to realize his vision, including the experts at KUKA Robotics and KUKA partner Andy Flessas (AKA andyRobot).

Stanford worked closely with Flessas to program the robots and bring the high-tech musicians to life. Flessas is well known in the entertainment industry as the go-to guy for using robotics in creative endeavors – with previous experience helping major stars like Bon Jovi, Lady Gaga, Deadmau5 and others to incorporate robotics into their acts. His Robot Animator plug-in for Maya allows humans to impose their creativity on KUKA robots without needing to learn how to program or code them."

Also, if you went to his website, he has video of him checking the robots operation and programming.

I just got all warm and fuzzy.

Kinda feel like John Candy after finding his hand between two pillows. o_O

Let me when they play some real music like AC/DC, Grand Funk Railroad, Nazareth, Cheap Trick, Don Felder, Sammy Hagar, Trust, Jerry Riggs, Blue Oyster Cult, Pink Floyd.

Grandpa, what was President Grover Cleveland like?