Running OSX on a windows box

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Aug 26, 2002
Apologies if this is a heavily covered topic, but I'm wondering how easy it would be to run OSX on my windows box, preferably dual boot with Vista.

The box is Intel quad-core currently running on i975 (might chnage ot P35) with NVIDIA GF 8800 GTX graphics.

Not sure what the current state of the OSX-on-whitebox project is - does it run feature-complete and pretty much as it would on an official Apple box?


Not for discussion on here.
- odoe
Quite the contrary, it's not a heavily covered topic because putting MacOS on a PC is illegal and illegal mods and topics cannot be discussed here.

There is a website based on projects like this somewhere but I can't for the life of me remember where.
Its illegal so 'the state of OSX on whitebox' is non existant if you stay within the Law.

That said, there are versions floating around but to be honest it is a pointless journey, there will always be at least one component that doesnt have drivers (usually more) and system performance sucks with all the extra code needed to get the thing working on non-apple hardware.

In short, dont waste your time on it.

Plus OSX really isnt worth the hassle, IMO. Flame away...
Its illegal so 'the state of OSX on whitebox' is non existant if you stay within the Law.

That said, there are versions floating around but to be honest it is a pointless journey, there will always be at least one component that doesnt have drivers (usually more) and system performance sucks with all the extra code needed to get the thing working on non-apple hardware.

In short, dont waste your time on it.

Plus OSX really isnt worth the hassle, IMO. Flame away...

Not true actually with Intel Macs...OSX will run natively on most Intel hardware now considering the macs use mostly the same stuff (even the C2D) and on my machine I did not have one thing that didnt work :p

But no discussing it here,
Since I'm in before the lock, I might as well let you know that it doesn't run nearly as well as it does on Apple hardware. It's an interesting experiment, but not worth it as a full time OS. If you're interested though, running it on my P4 system is what made me take the plunge and switch though, and I'm so glad I did.
OK, so without going into the specifics, the end result is typically pretty unsatisfactory.

That's pretty much all I needed to know. I had thought I'd read it ran pretty well.
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