S.T.A.L.K.E.R Being Remade in CryEngine 3


Extremely [H]
Oct 29, 2000
The S.T.A.L.K.E.R series is one of my favorite single player FPS series of all time. Horror, gunplay, open ended, large maps, post-apocalyptic dystopia, beautiful. I am currently playing through the Lost Alpha mod , a version of the game that attempts to incorporate early alpha parts of the game that didn't make the final cut, from back when it was a much larger and more ambitious project.

It is still a great game, and plays well, but is starting to feel a bit dated, and the engine, while ahead of its time when launched, struggles with modern high resolutions and settings.

For this reason, these videos of an ongoing project to recreate S.T.A.L.K.E.R using Cryengine 3 got my immediate attention.

At this point it is unclear what the original source of these clips is, who is running the project, or if it is intended to actually have a public release. The video's are hosted on the Acieved with Cryengine YouTube Channel, and refer back to the Achieved with Cryengine Facebook Page which only contains a share of a Hungarian gaming news site, only linking back to the same YouTube videos, with no further explanation that I can tell using Google Translate.

One thing is for sure, this certainly is a gorgeous remake:
just something about cryengine, no other engine can look as real, it's really unique, too bad crytek had such a bad luck with incompetent management team.
What did I just watch. The guy's zooming on a target that's like a meter away. Noobs. Fucking noobs.
"Get out of here Stalker"

I still catch myself saying that to myself....Really enjoyed the series, especially SOC, will have to keep an eye on this.
I hated Stalker games. Had the weird aiming prediction system that tried to emulate how many times you would miss in real life. It was way off. Stand right in front of a dude and fire away and miss half the time. It took the aiming accuracy away from the gamer and gave it to the computing system.
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One of the best PC games I've ever played, extremely atmospheric, going inside a rusted and broken down amusement park with the sun setting and a storm brewing with fucking SNORKS around with a short double barrel and limited shells made me pee a little in my panties.
I hated Stalker games. Had the weird aiming system that tried to emulate how many misses you would normally make in real life. It was way off. Stand right in front of a dude and fire away and miss half the time.

Very true, only after some small mods that came out shortly, it became much more pleasant. Shooting dogs and missing from point blank with a shotgun is frustrating.
just something about cryengine, no other engine can look as real, it's really unique, too bad crytek had such a bad luck with incompetent management team.

I thought the graphics in that video looked like ass.
I hated Stalker games. Had the weird aiming system that tried to emulate how many misses you would normally make in real life. It was way off. Stand right in front of a dude and fire away and miss half the time.

Part of this had to do with how the difficulty settings in stalker worked. Setting it to any of the easier settings made bullets (both the ones you shoot and the ones shot at you) somewhat rubbery.

The key to stalker (at least in the original engine) is to always set it to its hardest setting.
just something about cryengine, no other engine can look as real, it's really unique, too bad crytek had such a bad luck with incompetent management team.

Whatever engine GR: Wildlands uses is IMO the best graphics I've ever seen on PC. I'm guessing it uses some modified version of the Dunia engine
Edit: Guess it's using Anvil Next engine, it reminds me a lot of the Dunia engine though
Oh lawd. I guess it's not the reformed GSC giving us a proper sequel but it'll do.

This would be dope if they used one of the fan mods like Complete.
The S.T.A.L.K.E.R series is one of my favorite single player FPS series of all time. Horror, gunplay, open ended, large maps, post-apocalyptic dystopia, beautiful. I am currently playing through the Lost Alpha mod , a version of the game that attempts to incorporate early alpha parts of the game that didn't make the final cut, from back when it was a much larger and more ambitious project.

It is still a great game, and plays well, but is starting to feel a bit dated, and the engine, while ahead of its time when launched, struggles with modern high resolutions and settings.

For this reason, these videos of an ongoing project to recreate S.T.A.L.K.E.R using Cryengine 3 got my immediate attention.

At this point it is unclear what the original source of these clips is, who is running the project, or if it is intended to actually have a public release. The video's are hosted on the Acieved with Cryengine YouTube Channel, and refer back to the Achieved with Cryengine Facebook Page which only contains a share of a Hungarian gaming news site, only linking back to the same YouTube videos, with no further explanation that I can tell using Google Translate.

One thing is for sure, this certainly is a gorgeous remake:

I actually speak Hungarian and can translate more accurately;

So I read the whole thing and unfortunately it doesn't list anything about who is making it or any additional info. Translating it word-for-word would not give us any more info. It just basically says that they found those vids posted on YouTube of the project but there are no specifics so they don't know any more than we do. In all likelihood, that "achievedwithcryengine" Facebook page is the page of the person making it, but there is virtually no information who this is, how many people are contributing, release dates... So, if I were a betting man I wouldn't hold my breathe for this to release in it's entirety.
There was definitely something about that game that made it stand out. It did most things very well, unlike today's games that do a few things well and a bunch of things are shit. Especially open world games. I loved playing through with some of the mods. I had one huge realism mod that added a crap ton of real firearms with a realistic damage model for the NPC's and the player as well. Made it very interesting.
I will overhaul my rig if this gets ever made.. One of the best games I ever played.

Still getting chills when remembering the last mission of Shadow of Chernobyl.
I will overhaul my rig if this gets ever made.. One of the best games I ever played.

Still getting chills when remembering the last mission of Shadow of Chernobyl.

If its been a while, I highly recommend giving the Lost Alpha mod I linked above a try. I've been playing through it lately rather than playing through the vanilla games. A lot is similar, but there is A LOT of new content.
I love Stalker! Don't have the games on Steam though, only on disc. Not a good thing if you don't have a disc-drive in your PC, like me.......

If you still have your CD Key you can actually input it into GOG and get a DRM free copy to download directly from them.
lol as cool it may sound this is just one of those projects it never gets finished

Just like the Metal Gear Solid remake, and many others. More or less these are just to get people to refine skills, get a project together for a portfolio. It is much harder to make something unique because everyone wants to do their own thing, and with no hierarchy like a professional studio egos and opinions will smack into each other. But getting a bunch of people together who were all fans of something and a common goal/idea often gets the project started.

Maybe there are intentions of actually releasing something, but even then the chances are slim for release.
I doubt this will see the light of day but it would be awesome if it actually got completed. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. was a groundbreaking game at the time. I'd totally pick this up.