Samsung 30" HDTV Monitor (TX-P3064W)


Jan 31, 2003
Samsung TV @ Circuit City

Anybody know anything about this tv? I'm thinking about this tv or one of the 27" LCDs that are going for around $900-1100.

This Samsung has a DVI port. Is it a normal DVI that will look just as good as an LCD or better?

It looks nice in person but I'm not a TV expert.

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
What are you using it for? PC or TV? I think either way an LCD screen would be a better buy at that price. Any monitor is capable of HDTV. The only thing diff about this one is that its a wide screen crt.
I want something for mostly tv (cable) and use it with a computer once in a while.

This is built in HDTV tuner isnt it?
Usually HDTV, especially CRT's have horrible native resolutions. Also it would prob have serious ghosting issues in games....You should use that Samsung TV as a TV and not as a monitor.