Samsung’s VR Headset Will Be Called 'Gear VR'

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Oh look, another company has jumped on the VR headset bandwagon.

Instead of making a completely standalone virtual reality headset, Samsung has developed a modular design, which allows the user to dock in a Galaxy device into the Gear VR using USB 3.0. Virtual really effect is achieved through head tracking, and instead of equipping the headset with sensors, Gear VR makes use of the smartphone’s accelerometer, gyroscope and processing power to track head motion.
Isn't this great? Good job Oculus, you finally got the industries attention.
Oculus better hurry the hell up before they get their thunder ripped out from under them like a rug.

That just means that we will see more and more advanced versions of VR headsets and VR can FINALLY be a true reality.

Star Citizen + a VR headset (with lag less headtracking) + full flight controls + a bad ass PC = OH HOLY SHIT LOOK OUT!


Star Wars Battle Front + all that other shit = welp, there goes my GPA...
Im going to have to play with a more update phone, i got an old driod x2. (about 3 years old) My phone has some lag with tracking movement, so i know my phone wouldnt work to well with this. Considering how fast phones been advancing, i still wonder about lag, being not specially designed for games.
I can see it now, texting while driving while wearing a VR headset. :rolleyes:
hmm.. so you have to have a samsung galaxy phone for this thing to work?


though, you know.. thats actually something i would expect from apple, oddly enough
What is really happening is that these other companies are rushing "similar but crappy" copycats of what Oculus is doing. None of these so-called competing devices are attempting to solve the big usability issues like persistence, frame rate and tracking speed. They're just slapping the available tech into a refined looking piece of plastic.

Oculus already went through this. And it's not good enough. We all know that.

The big, big problem is that if Oculus doesn't get a refined quality product to market soon, these idiots are going to repeat history yet again. They'll get a whole generation to say, "yeah, VR headsets still suck."

It's the willingness to put out crap to milk the Oculus wave that really pisses me off. And it's not fly-by-night companies doing it. We have Sony and Samsung. It's just kind of depressing you know? If they were all actually fighting to beat each other to the finish line of real workable tech that everyone can use comfortably we'd be in competitive heaven. But that's not what is going on here.
F vr give me the heads up display with augmented reality that looks like the dominion starship control from ds9 and take my money. I feel augmented reality heads up displays unlike google glass will be much more profitable then a gaming only toy.