Samsung XL2370

I think they came out yesterday, when looking at which stores carry it, almost all the stores around me have it, I'm in Illinois btw. Gonna pick up 3 today and post pics this weekend.;)
Just picked one up from BBY too. Got a nice deal on it :p

It's a HUGE difference from my old 19" 1440x900 LG monitor. I might write up an [H] review in the near future
Saw these monitors came in at Bestbuy. Nothing exciting here. Its a very thin monitor with LED backlighting but the panel is still TN.

Would rather IPS with CCFL backlighting and Samsung doesn't do those.
This is a nice monitor but it is a TN and has all of the issues that plague a TN display. I've been using this one for a couple days now and I think the color is pretty good for a TN. I do have a problem that is a showstopper for me, though.

On mine the backlight is very bright at the bottom of the screen and makes black look almost blue it is so bright. Also it causes detail to be lost as you get close to the bottom of the screen. To give an example of how the backlight washes out the colors at the bottom of my screen, take a look at this NOAA weather link.

On my XL2370 I can see four maps on the page. I can't see the state lines at all for the bottom two maps. As I scroll the page I can begin to see the state lines at about the halfway point on the screen. But even on the second map image I can tell the lines aren't as dark as the top one. Only the one on the very top has dark lines. I have to move my head below the display to be able to see the state lines on the bottom two maps, but at that point the top of the screen begins to darken. By comparison, my 15" MacBook Pro with a LED TN panel does not have this problem. It has evenly lit backlighting. On a black screen on the XL2370 I can see that the bottom center of the XL2370 has a large bright spot.

Of course that is something particular to this XL2370 and if I exchange it the next panel could be perfect.
TN is the only thing that performs for gaming right now. It gets old hearing people bitch about it. TN panels are for gaming, IPS and whatnot is for graphics design.. Two different utility purposes. I personally just play games and such, I might dabble in a little PHP programming but no graphics design yet.

This is the best TN panel out as far as contrast, quality, and energy efficiency. They need to make a IPS panel with led backlighting, 120hz.. then we'd be set..
This is a nice monitor but it is a TN and has all of the issues that plague a TN display. I've been using this one for a couple days now and I think the color is pretty good for a TN. I do have a problem that is a showstopper for me, though.

On mine the backlight is very bright at the bottom of the screen and makes black look almost blue it is so bright. Also it causes detail to be lost as you get close to the bottom of the screen. To give an example of how the backlight washes out the colors at the bottom of my screen, take a look at this NOAA weather link.

On my XL2370 I can see four maps on the page. I can't see the state lines at all for the bottom two maps. As I scroll the page I can begin to see the state lines at about the halfway point on the screen. But even on the second map image I can tell the lines aren't as dark as the top one. Only the one on the very top has dark lines. I have to move my head below the display to be able to see the state lines on the bottom two maps, but at that point the top of the screen begins to darken. By comparison, my 15" MacBook Pro with a LED TN panel does not have this problem. It has evenly lit backlighting. On a black screen on the XL2370 I can see that the bottom center of the XL2370 has a large bright spot.

Of course that is something particular to this XL2370 and if I exchange it the next panel could be perfect.
I think you should return or exchange, sounds defective. Mine views that page with no issues.
Yeah, I'm viewing those lines fine with mine as well. Have you tried calibrating it? Windows 7 has a nice and easy calibration feature. Also, you can use this website to help you out:

Are you using VGA, DVI, or HDMI?
yes best buy is selling them and I just got one 2 days ago. Win 7 looks great.
All i want to say is its the best F^%&^king monitor I ve ever owned. if I had the $$$ I would buy another. I compared it to my other samsung 226bw (s model) and I can tell you its much brighter, the color is well represented
there zero problems with viewing angles. the touch interface is real nice. osd is easy to navigate. the panel is evenly lit.
I also have a dell 2408 and colors on the samsung look fresh/clean look to it.
game performance/movie handles well.

the monitor is about as fat as 2 ink pens put side by side.

Samsung did one hell of job with this monitor.

Only thing i dont like is it doesnt have more connection ports and you cant rotate the screen like the dell 2408. but i never use that option on the dell any way.

the guy who can see the line sounds like he got a defect.
I think I might just splurge and buy this out on a whim. I just use my computer for web browsing/games, and the way you all sound, it seems pretty good. :p
My roommate bought one and the color reproduction/accuracy looks pretty much the same as my 2209wa. Blacks do get very blue towards the bottom of the screen though.
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According to digital versus it actually has better default color settings than the 2209wa which is pretty amazing imo. Of course they can both be calibrated if you are picky.
can anyone help me fine tune the color on this thing? as far as i see, the ICM color profile that is included on the driver CD doesnt work in photoshop (says its bad). so I was wonder whats the best way to get the perfect color..
Does anyone know when and if this monitor will make an appearance in canada? is carrying the p2370 so I am assuming that it's just a matter of time?
Just picked up the XL2370. I was surprised at how sexy it was. The stand and stem looked like it might be cheap but it feels pretty solid, and the stand seems sturdy enough for me unlike what was said in the cnet review. The out of the box colors are very nice. The colors immediately jumped out at me in comparison to my 2408WFP (S-PVA). For a TN panel this model sure is amazing. Input lag wise it seems very fast. Compared to my 2408WFP (which is a very slow LCD, and has input lag in the 50-60s on average) the XL2370 was on average 40-50MS faster which suggests about ~10ms input lag. All things considered I really love this LCD... Sure the input lag could be a little bit faster, but if you look at the whole package (Sexiness, LED Tech (less energy consumption), and the relatively low input lag, and the price) Samsung has put out a real winner. Input lag image taken at 1/1500 of a second @ ISO800 ; I wanted to make sure there was no blur in the numbers.
I was starting to notice the navy blue backlight bleed.. So I adjusted the menus a little bit to R G B 50 50 50. Seems to be a bit better. I don't know if this is a defect or if it is just normal with LED technology... It seemed more noticeable after the poster above mentioned it.. Maybe it's just in my head and was there the whole time.
I also have some navy blue backlight bleed, but it's definitely bearable. Very minimal. I set this up side-by-side with my old monitor and the colors are MUCH clearer, much more pure because of the LED backlighting. It's very nice for a TN panel.
gonna call samsung tommorow about the navy blue issue and see what they have to say. maybe i should exchange it if they say its a problem.. does anyone else have this problem? it may be light leakage not sure. it's minimal but damn when you spend $346 on a product you epxect perfection :)
It's a TN panel...if they were using CCFL backlights, it would be a light-yellow issue. It's just the nature of LED backlights and how they provide a much "purer" backlight. TN panels are very susceptible to backlight bleed, and when the backlights are LEDs you will achieve a "navy blue" backlight bleed. I am suffering from the same issue because of this technology. it's expected.
think if i exchange it ill get lucky and get one without the bleed? it didnt have this when i first bought it, it slowly developed.
think if i exchange it ill get lucky and get one without the bleed? it didnt have this when i first bought it, it slowly developed.

It could be worth trying to exchange it. Bleed always varies between screens so you might get lucky and get a great one next time, on the other hand it might be worse and then you'll really be ticked.
Saw the monitor in person today and it's heads and shoulders above it's competitors in this price range. Very even lighting and smooth coloring and quite good whites as well.

LG has an IPS out with an RGB LED backlight but it's about 2k...

What will be nice is when the 2408 and U2410 both come with white LED backlights. We can now say with some certainty given the price difference on these monitors that it "should" only be about $100-150 higher than the CCFL model. That's quite affordable and given the contrast that's already on the CCFL version of the 2408, ought to drive contrast levels to fantastic levels when Samsung gets around to making it. IPS will also get a nice contrast boost, so everyone wins :)
Here's an XL2370 next to my old LG 226-WTQ. The difference in yellows isn't nearly as pronounced in person, and the white borders actually look much whiter on the Samsung (vs dingy yellowish-gray on the LG) - but the difference in blues and greens is fairly representative.

I fired up UT2004 on the Samsung and honestly my first thought was "wow, I feel like I'm gaming on my old CRT" - color-wise, at least.

The stand has no real adjustability, but I don't find it to be nearly as unstable as some reviews suggest. Then again I have a reasonably sturdy desk that I don't pound on or do jumping-jacks next to all that often :p

Vertical viewing angle sucks - though no worse than most TN panels, I guess - but horizontal is actually quite good, imo.

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I just got the XL2370 from best buy and I really like for playing COD4 on my PS3 on this monitor. Really nice colors and fast response. I exchange a LG W2361V-PF for this one. This model is only at Best Buy that I can tell but the LG had really faded or washed colors. the I seen this one came to the nearest store to me and took a chance and glad I did. I did see the blue tint that people have been mentioning but I change the settings and its gone.
Does anyone have more photos like Sabrewulf165 posted? I might be interested in this monitor, I stop by Best Buy last week but they still haven't put up a display model yet. Hopefully by Thursday, when I pick-up Windows 7, they would at least have a running model.
Mine finally got here, and it is great. 2d is sharp and crisp, and 3d is just as wonderful. The only thing i have to get used to is the viewing angle. I am used to a non-TN. The horizontal view angle is great, but the vertical isn't too great. Overall, i am impressed with the display and would definitely recommend it.
Ok, unless someone can convince me otherwise, I think I'm about to order this. :p

You wont be dissapointed, I'm not. Yes the blue hue in black is semi annoying; and the Vertical viewing angles kinda suck, but it looks amazing inside and out, it's fast, and priced appropriately
Dear all:

I already bought Samsung XL2370 monitor but meet a problem.
My graphic card is MSI GeForce 9600 GT 1G (native hdmi interface).
So the monitor is connecting to this card through HDMI directly.

The situation is XL2370 keeps on searching for the signal when I shutdown the PC for a long time until I switch off the monitor manually.
If don’t switch off it manually, then it will keep in check signal mode, and backlighting will keep light on.
The situation at least keep several hours and I don’t have time to test how long it will shuts off into energy-saving mode automatically.

I think the monitor is not breakdown, just cause by its ability of signal detecting function when connecting to the graphic card through hdmi.
It’s no problem when the monitor connects to another device through its DVI port.
And also no problem when the monitor is connects to PS3 through HDMI.
Just have the problem when it connects to the pc through HDMI.

Does anyone have same situation?
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Xiang: That is one of the default settings in the monitor's menu. If you want to fix it, do the following:

1.) Access the monitor's menu on the touch screen buttons (the furthest button on the left)
2.) Go to the SETUP&RESET option
3.) Scroll down to Auto Source and change it from Automatic to Manual (The Auto Source option is on the 2nd page of the menu, so you have to keep scrolling down until it shows up).

that should do it
Xiang: That is one of the default settings in the monitor's menu. If you want to fix it, do the following:

1.) Access the monitor's menu on the touch screen buttons (the furthest button on the left)
2.) Go to the SETUP&RESET option
3.) Scroll down to Auto Source and change it from Automatic to Manual (The Auto Source option is on the 2nd page of the menu, so you have to keep scrolling down until it shows up).

that should do it
Thanks for your response.
I just follow your steps to set it but it doesn’t work.

I think set to Manual and not Auto Source just let monitor doesn’t detect another source.
Even the setting is Manual, if source is still HDMI, when it connects to the PC through the HDMI port from grapchic card, it still fails to goes into energy-saving mode after shutdown the PC.

So it still bothers me.
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Just a point of note. I first connected this monitor using HDMI, and there was the scaling issue, and needed over scan adjustment to make it fill the screen. I am using a 4890 as a vidcard, had the same issue with 24" LG. I switched to DVI cable, and the picture looked 100x better than over HDMI

First off, the brightness is not too high. It just looks like that on my crappy camera.
Second, the default color settings are not right on the 2370. As you can see, my 906bw shows red-orange bricks, while the 2370 basically just shows orange bricks. They are supposed to be red-orange. So I was wondering if anyone knew an easy program that would fix the color.
Third, the contrast magicbright default setting is "custom", but there are other choices, namely "dynamic contrast". Is it a good idea to change it from custom to dynamic contrast? And does this have anything to do with the ultra mega extra over exaggerated 5 million to 1 dynamic contrast ratio?

Use that site to try to calibrate the monitor.

Also, the Dynamic Contrast setting is goofy. Your monitor will automatically adjust all sorts of settings depending on the colors that are being displayed on the screen. For example, if your screen is filled with mostly (or completely) black pixels, the brightness will get turned allllllll the way down automatically. If you open up a picture of a bright, sunny day, the brightest will get turned up and probably the contrast and stuff. It doesn't usually accurately and properly adjust the settings though. It's best to calibrate it on your own.

You might want to try to adjust the gamma and color settings. Right now, I'm using gamma Mode 3 because, according to that calibration page I posted, this mode properly adjust the gamma to ~2.2 ( the gray circle on that page should blend in with the background).

Also, it looks like you're lacking in red and you have too much green. Try adjusting the colors in the monitor's menu.