Sapphire Flex 7870 $199 AR


Jun 23, 2003
Amazon: Sapphire Flex 7870 $213.69 - $15 MIR = $198.69

Only 5 left in stock so be quick! Prime shipping, comes with TR + Bioshock as well. Order by the 15th to be eligible for $15 rebate. Seems to have a pretty decent cooler although OC'ing is kind of a mixed bag based on reviews on the google, but at this price it's a pretty nice package.

I was inches away from getting the PCS+ Myst but with the price 20% higher than this AR I couldn't justify the added power usage since you need to OC the Tahiti LE to really pull away from other Pitcairn 7870s.
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The power delta between a 7870 and 7870 Tahiti is probably about 6 watts, or $7 a year if you run Furmark 24/7, which few people do.