Sata to ethernet adapter

Mar 23, 2007
Hi, I'm building a network cabinet (home use) and just about finished it and wanted to add a SSD drive to the panel.

I'd like this SSD drive to connect directly to my network using a gig ethernet adapter.

Does anyone know if there is such a beast available? I'm looking for the smallest possible solution. If this allows remote FTP access, so much the better. The only thing I've seen so far are 3.5" docking adapters that you drop the hard drive in.

SSD in a NAS LOL!!! Just use a Normal hard drive... why would you think it's a good idea?? You will still be limited by the NAS hardware + network... If you think a SSD will make the NAS faster you are mistaken.
"If you think a SSD will make the NAS faster you are mistaken."

No, I know my SSD won't make my network faster.

I already have a NAS.

I just don't leave it running 24/7.

I have a spare SSD laying around and I think having one setup as a network hard drive that I can access remotely via FTP would be handy.

Also, this setup consumes almost no power so it's cheap to run.

"If you think a SSD will make the NAS faster you are mistaken."

No, I know my SSD won't make my network faster.

I already have a NAS.

I just don't leave it running 24/7.

I have a spare SSD laying around and I think having one setup as a network hard drive that I can access remotely via FTP would be handy.

Also, this setup consumes almost no power so it's cheap to run.


So you're looking for something like ?
Yes, except I'm looking for a smaller solution that will fit in my network panel.

The panel is only 3.5" deep.

Ahh...I've never come across anything that shallow with network support, at least directly. Doesn't mean you couldn't hack apart something like that to meet the depth requirement, but then you're just taking up space in those other pesky dimensions.

Alternatively, you can get a USB enclosure and then a router that has a USB port on it, for the same end result. But that isn't a cheap and easy solution either.
The USB route is probably the cheapest, but not the cleanest. 2.5" Sata to USB enclosures can be had for $20 or less. Lots of routers support usb harddrives now days. You can also buy a pogoplug to share your usb devices, but it may require a subscription after 1 year and usually requires you to use pogoplugs free app.
The addonics would work except that I'd need to buy a USB to SATA converter.

If I could just find this with the SATA connecter on it.

Still looking. :)

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