Screen Capturing


Feb 2, 2005
ok, for some reason, none of the programs on my PC will capture any screen caps. I have tried WinAmp, both windowed, or full screen, also, I have tried PowerDVD and for some reason its frame capture will not work, I have also tried windows media player and also I have tried DivX with the print screen. now here is the thing, it will do screen caps for DVDs.
but it will NOT do screen caps for video such as downloaded anime fansubs. when I use CyberLink PowerDVD it will not take a screen cap. when ever I use the print screen (remember this is .avi saved on my pc) button, it only half works. I will paste the image into PaintShop and it will be all funny. while the video is actually playing in the background, it will play on the image in paintshop. sort of like the video in the background is leaking through to paintshop. and when I move the window, the image where the video is still playing is in the spot where the player is on the desktop. or if I stop, the place where the video was, will be blank. If I pause, the image in the image window will not move with the window in paint shop. another thing is, I have also tried saving them even though they are not correct. when I exit and try to reopen the image, the place where the video was, will just be black. so, what is happening here guys? its not working, as I said it will do it just fine for dvds, but not for files on my pc. is there anyway to fix this, also if there isn't is there a better program I can use to do screen caps at all, cause I do anime reveiws and I need to be able to do screen caps. thanks for any help in advance.
I believe this can be fixed by disabling hardware acceleration, as to how to do that in each program mentioned I'm at a loss. sorry

thanks for the help, unfortunately that didn't do anything. still same problem.