Scythe Anti Vibration Stabilizer x4 and Kama Bay


Apr 24, 2006
Hi everyone!

I'd like to know if anyone knows off hand or has experience with using both the Scythe Anti Vibration Stabilizer x4 along with the Scythe Kama Bay in the same bay spaces. From the various pictures I've seen of the Stabilizer, it looks like it should not interfere with the mounting of the Kama Bay, but I wanted to make sure just in case.

The purpose of using these two together is to remove the hard drive racks from the bottom of my Rocketfish tower case so that there would be better case flow from the bottom front intake fan.

If anyone has any insight or feedback it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
I have both those products and used them together. There is no interference. If you orientate the hard drive holder correctly, the rubber mounts for the front of the hard drive holder use the middle 5.25 bay. The Kama Bay uses the upper and lower bays for mounting. The only thing I didn't like was the space the Kama bay left between the left and right sides of the bays and the Kama Bay. It was a little too large for my liking. I used it on an Antec 300. Ended up hacking a Antec 900 drive cage which looked much better. Good luck