search in "for sale" misses results?

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Limp Gawd
Feb 2, 2007
It is not really an issue, but disconcerting when searches in
"for sale" fail to show items (threads). (I was not going to post about it
because of some detail I was missing, but
one of the search terms today plainly failed.) It is disconcerting
because threads I saw say, within the past week (unsure here),
are (sometimes. Seems a Lot ) not longer visible by search (maybe they are visible paging
backwards enough). Haven't tried the advanced search.
And clueless about whether it is due to the posts being removed
by the originators.
I went back a few weeks and a few days and picked out some search terms from a few threads, and all of them came up right away. Do you have any examples?
This complaint will not be looked into unless you can provide specifics. Thanks.
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