Secret Lab Professional Footrest


Sep 4, 2009

Thinking about trying one of these. (preorder only, currently sold out)

I have a $20 cushion footrest but I'm not satisfied with it. I do spend at least 3 hours a night at my computer so I'm just looking to be a bit more comfortable. Not sure if this would be worth the $200 but I can always return it I guess. Anyone use a cushion or some kind of professional footrest?
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Looks uncomfortable to me. This is for home use so that plastic with the raised bumps looks uncomfortable for socks/barefoot use. Also the surface isn't even so you have to place your feet in those exact positions.
then look for some other option... or jump straight to stupid pricing, your call...
Looks uncomfortable to me. This is for home use so that plastic with the raised bumps looks uncomfortable for socks/barefoot use. Also the surface isn't even so you have to place your feet in those exact positions.

You need to get yourself some house shoes, then contemplate paying another $200 for something to put them on. this one is showing up today. I hope it is good. I saw it just before i dropped 60 on the secret labs version. I just got this in. Super light wieght, not skid bottom, adjustable, I love it. 40 bucks. Cant go wrong. Oh and the velvet is a nice touch when you want to go barefoot.
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I bought it so yall didnt have to. Definitely an upgrade over my old foam pillow footrest. Much larger surface area + being flat = amazing. I didnt necessarily needed it to be articulating/adjustable but thats also a plus.


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