Secret World 24.99$ GameStop PC download

nice find, but you shouldn't have to download anything from Gamestop. just download the client for TSW and input the purchased key into your account page. probably the easiest way to do this is by signing up for the 3 day trial
fyi, before you start

**Funcom just laid off 50% of it's staff--
**this game has no raids yet--
**the endgame is running asininely difficult dungeons over and over, with 16 hour lockout on the first boss kill (out of 6) per dungeon (total of 6 dungeons)--
**due to high lockout timers, endgame content PUGs (pick-up-groups) are extremely undesired, and successful about 20% of the time--
**due to tremendous penalty for failure (16 hour lockout) the groups that run these are highly elitist and particularly caustic while failing or not.
**the only way to enjoy this game is with a regular crew of 5 that logs on at the same time, daily, runs the dungeons for a few hours together and leaves, retaining an even gear and knowledge level--
**there is no other endgame other than pvp yet--
**first raid is slated to be released Sept 11th, but has already been pushed back due to layoffs---
**the game story is however fun, and $25 above buys you 1 month free I think, so play through the storyline and enjoy it, as it is excellent- but be prepared to hate the endgame as I am now, and I've been in it since beta--

ps: there are no classes or armors in TSW -- anyone can get any ability mix -- anyone can look like a "gangsta" or wear bunny slippers -- along with limited design choices, there will be nothing to make you externally distinct.

pps: any nice ability combinations soon get nerfed, since there are no "classes" and everyone builds the flavor-of-the-week and then goes and abuses it in PvP-- till Funcom caves after 90% of the player base is running the same build. Think PvP ruining PvE abilities, but at an accelerated, almost bi-weekly rate, while the content is kept at extreme difficulties to make up for no endgame.

ppps: Guild Wars 2 launches at 3:00am EST today- be prepared to observe a severe population dropoff

the end
fyi, before you start

**Funcom just laid off 50% of it's staff--
**this game has no raids yet--
**the endgame is running asininely difficult dungeons over and over, with 16 hour lockout on the first boss kill (out of 6) per dungeon (total of 6 dungeons)--
**due to high lockout timers, endgame content PUGs (pick-up-groups) are extremely undesired, and successful about 20% of the time--
**due to tremendous penalty for failure (16 hour lockout) the groups that run these are highly elitist and particularly caustic while failing or not.
**the only way to enjoy this game is with a regular crew of 5 that logs on at the same time, daily, runs the dungeons for a few hours together and leaves, retaining an even gear and knowledge level--
**there is no other endgame other than pvp yet--
**first raid is slated to be released Sept 11th, but has already been pushed back due to layoffs---
**the game story is however fun, and $25 above buys you 1 month free I think, so play through the storyline and enjoy it, as it is excellent- but be prepared to hate the endgame as I am now, and I've been in it since beta--

ps: there are no classes or armors in TSW -- anyone can get any ability mix -- anyone can look like a "gangsta" or wear bunny slippers -- along with limited design choices, there will be nothing to make you externally distinct.

pps: any nice ability combinations soon get nerfed, since there are no "classes" and everyone builds the flavor-of-the-week and then goes and abuses it in PvP-- till Funcom caves after 90% of the player base is running the same build. Think PvP ruining PvE abilities, but at an accelerated, almost bi-weekly rate, while the content is kept at extreme difficulties to make up for no endgame.

ppps: Guild Wars 2 launches at 3:00am EST today- be prepared to observe a severe population dropoff

the end

PS. The game is worth paying the $25 to play for one month and experience the content already in place. I've been playing 3 weeks and I'm not even through Egypt yet. I've gotten through half the normal questing content and I'm loving it. Investigation missions are great. $25 for the game and experience the normal content, then come back later when the game goes F2P (we know it will).

IThe investigation missions are awesome and a great brain tease. I've gotten my $37.50 out of the game that I paid and some for the entertainment value alone.
fyi, before you start

**Funcom just laid off 50% of it's staff--
**this game has no raids yet--
**the endgame is running asininely difficult dungeons over and over, with 16 hour lockout on the first boss kill (out of 6) per dungeon (total of 6 dungeons)--
**due to high lockout timers, endgame content PUGs (pick-up-groups) are extremely undesired, and successful about 20% of the time--
**due to tremendous penalty for failure (16 hour lockout) the groups that run these are highly elitist and particularly caustic while failing or not.
**the only way to enjoy this game is with a regular crew of 5 that logs on at the same time, daily, runs the dungeons for a few hours together and leaves, retaining an even gear and knowledge level--
**there is no other endgame other than pvp yet--
**first raid is slated to be released Sept 11th, but has already been pushed back due to layoffs---
**the game story is however fun, and $25 above buys you 1 month free I think, so play through the storyline and enjoy it, as it is excellent- but be prepared to hate the endgame as I am now, and I've been in it since beta--

ps: there are no classes or armors in TSW -- anyone can get any ability mix -- anyone can look like a "gangsta" or wear bunny slippers -- along with limited design choices, there will be nothing to make you externally distinct.

pps: any nice ability combinations soon get nerfed, since there are no "classes" and everyone builds the flavor-of-the-week and then goes and abuses it in PvP-- till Funcom caves after 90% of the player base is running the same build. Think PvP ruining PvE abilities, but at an accelerated, almost bi-weekly rate, while the content is kept at extreme difficulties to make up for no endgame.

ppps: Guild Wars 2 launches at 3:00am EST today- be prepared to observe a severe population dropoff

the end

Well, this post is sure filled with tons of misinformation... I'll reply back point-by-point when I have a bit of time later tonight, but suffice to say this is completely wrong.
Responses in RED.

fyi, before you start

**Funcom just laid off 50% of it's staff--
Yes, and so have many other companies including Blizzard, THQ, and EA developers. Your point?
**this game has no raids yet--
There's one coming, as slated, in October, and there are 5 nightmare-mode dungeons plus three more coming that are quite challenging and fun already.
**the endgame is running asininely difficult dungeons over and over, with 16 hour lockout on the first boss kill (out of 6) per dungeon (total of 6 dungeons)--
They're not overly difficult so long as you are decent. Yes, they have lockout timers so people can't just gear up inside a day, same as many other MMO games. If you're having trouble might I suggest looking at your playstyle and build?
**due to high lockout timers, endgame content PUGs (pick-up-groups) are extremely undesired, and successful about 20% of the time--
Wrong, I PUG some of the time for my nightmares daily and have yet to have one fail outright, though some go much less smoothly than others. For open-world lair farming and open-world signet farming PUG's are very desirable.
**due to tremendous penalty for failure (16 hour lockout) the groups that run these are highly elitist and particularly caustic while failing or not.
You need to hang out with a better guild or not group with elitists then?
**the only way to enjoy this game is with a regular crew of 5 that logs on at the same time, daily, runs the dungeons for a few hours together and leaves, retaining an even gear and knowledge level--
Wrong, there are tons of solo-able activities at endgame, plenty of dungeons to run, plenty of PVP to do (both non-instanced "Fusang" which rivals GW2's "world versus world" in fun factor and mechanics, and two instanced warzones), Lairs to farm as a group in the open-world which are being revamped to have quests & be rewarding on par with dungeons on Sep 11th's 1.2 patch, plus of course typical Signet farming for your gear and playing the auction market.
**there is no other endgame other than pvp yet--
So other than PVE and PVP what exactly COULD there be?
**first raid is slated to be released Sept 11th, but has already been pushed back due to layoffs---
Wrong, it was never slated for September anything. It has always been October. The Issue #2 patch 1.2 "Digging Deeper" was slated for Aug 28th and got pushed to Sep 11th but is a monster patch.
**the game story is however fun, and $25 above buys you 1 month free I think, so play through the storyline and enjoy it, as it is excellent- but be prepared to hate the endgame as I am now, and I've been in it since beta--
Maybe you're just burnt out then?
ps: there are no classes or armors in TSW -- anyone can get any ability mix -- anyone can look like a "gangsta" or wear bunny slippers -- along with limited design choices, there will be nothing to make you externally distinct.
There are a significant number of designs, I have yet to encounter anyone looking just like me, or even a piece off, from me.
pps: any nice ability combinations soon get nerfed, since there are no "classes" and everyone builds the flavor-of-the-week and then goes and abuses it in PvP-- till Funcom caves after 90% of the player base is running the same build. Think PvP ruining PvE abilities, but at an accelerated, almost bi-weekly rate, while the content is kept at extreme difficulties to make up for no endgame.
I've yet to see anything nerfed as a result of either PVE or PVP to any real extent. The only nerf I've seen, and this one was imbalanced in both PVE *and* PVP, was to "Blaze" having a 100% crit chance which is being reduced to a 40% bonus. They've actually been very proactive on *not* nerfing things and on keeping things minimally changed when they do.
ppps: Guild Wars 2 launches at 3:00am EST today- be prepared to observe a severe population dropoff
I've seen no indication of GW2 impacting anything in-game or on the forums, except to be laughed at for the occasional troll or as conversation fodder of "Man, that game sucked...".
the end

Yeah, might wanna do your research a bit better next time.
Well, this post is sure filled with tons of misinformation... I'll reply back point-by-point when I have a bit of time later tonight, but suffice to say this is completely wrong.

Yeah the TSW hate and the bias in that post are kinda insane. I'm amazed the universe hasnt imploded from how wrong that list is.

Is TSW perfect? No. Is any game perfect? No (and this includes GW2 btw).

Is it a good game if you're tired of fantasy MMO's? Yes. Does it have a monthly fee? Yes, though as we all know this sort of thing is rapidly becoming a dinosaur so TSW going F2P wouldn't really surprise anyone.

It's a good game to take a slower pace through as there's tons of story and history to discover and most of the NPC's have great dialogue thats worth listening to.

TSW has more "visual" options for gear atm than I've seen in GW2 just as one point of correction. In TSW your gear doesn't have stats, so you can wear and look like anything in the universe while keeping the stats you want from the talismans you equip.

Dulfy was collecting screenshots of tons of the stuff.

Thats just the tip of the iceberg really.
Responses in RED.

Yeah, might wanna do your research a bit better next time.

be an apologist all you want-- I was one for Funcom for 3 years during AoC .. no more

Guild Wars 2 launches in 1 hour and 43 minuets.

The fact that the game has dropped from $50 to $25 in the timeframe that it has should be speaking volumes. And the fact that the only raid is now being pushed yet another month away, again-- should tell you something as well, particularly in the light of that 50% layoff you shrugged off.
I wouldn't buy the game because it's from Funcom alone. Is this the game that has a p2w cash shop AND monthly sub?
Responses in RED.

Yeah, might wanna do your research a bit better next time.

You're pretty much repeating what he already stated . I don't see where Red was completely offbase. Also laying off employees shortly after launch is a very bad sign. Vanguard anyone? But yeah according to the FoH forums player base dropped big time when guild wars 2 was released
be an apologist all you want-- I was one for Funcom for 3 years during AoC .. no more

Guild Wars 2 launches in 1 hour and 43 minuets.

The fact that the game has dropped from $50 to $25 in the timeframe that it has should be speaking volumes. And the fact that the only raid is now being pushed yet another month away, again-- should tell you something as well, particularly in the light of that 50% layoff you shrugged off.

Guild wars 2 has been being played by virtually all of its players since around 3 days ago. As I said you might want to research more.

The raid was never scheduled for anything goes but October, for secret world. It has not been delayed. As far as pricing, gw2 has been available for 45 before launch, it must have been dead before it even launched then by your count. All games drop in price two months later. I would be shocked if one didn't. TSW is no different.

Many companies including Blizzard/Activision, THQ, EA dev studios, and more are laying a lot of people off. So is Funcom. Why? It's the economy. But, go and look for conspiracies where none exist and trouble where nothing's happening.... :rolleyes:.

EDIT: Oh, and I should note that GW2 is already faltering hugely just a couple of days into its "headstart" period right as its "official" retail date rolls in.... but hey, go play "chase the messiah MMO edition", I'll be having fun with my long-term game ;). Good luck finding that "perfect game".
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I tried the trial of Secret World...the beginning cut scenes were cheesy as hell, and I was like oh I am not going to like this game...but it actually is pretty fun.

The only thing holding me back from buying it right now is of the rumor that its going to go F2P I might wait till it does that. Plus, I have a huge backlog of other games to play right now.
I tried the trial of Secret World...the beginning cut scenes were cheesy as hell, and I was like oh I am not going to like this game...but it actually is pretty fun.

The only thing holding me back from buying it right now is of the rumor that its going to go F2P I might wait till it does that. Plus, I have a huge backlog of other games to play right now.

I haven't heard of this rumor.... But even if it hypothetically happened, all the actual good stuff like higher zones, dungeons, pvp, etc would still require a sub ala how SWTOR is doing it and they do with Anarchy Online, one would assume. So, there would be no benefit to having waited.

EDIT: I found a quote from a recent interview saying that TSW is (paraphrasing) "doing fine, who knows 4, 5 or more years down the line maybe that will be the needed business model", and that has apparrently snowballed thanks to people taking it out-of-context for the rumor mill... people amaze me :rolleyes:. :(
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I haven't heard of this rumor.... But even if it hypothetically happened, all the actual good stuff like higher zones, dungeons, pvp, etc would still require a sub ala how SWTOR is doing it and they do with Anarchy Online, one would assume. So, there would be no benefit to having waited.

EDIT: I found a quote from a recent interview saying that TSW is (paraphrasing) "doing fine, who knows 4, 5 or more years down the line maybe that will be the needed business model", and that has apparrently snowballed thanks to people taking it out-of-context for the rumor mill... people amaze me :rolleyes:. :(

Well dang...I am going to play a little more tonight as it is my last trial night... we will see how much more fun I have...
I wouldn't buy the game because it's from Funcom alone. Is this the game that has a p2w cash shop AND monthly sub?

cosmetics only for the shop.

Great game, get your TSW on!
EDIT: Oh, and I should note that GW2 is already faltering hugely just a couple of days into its "headstart" period right as its "official" retail date rolls in.... but hey, go play "chase the messiah MMO edition", I'll be having fun with my long-term game ;). Good luck finding that "perfect game".
I think his elitist point was spot on.

What's with the GW2 rage? GW2 release will have an impact on other MMO populations. It's not a good or bad thing, just real life.
I think his elitist point was spot on.

What's with the GW2 rage? GW2 release will have an impact on other MMO populations. It's not a good or bad thing, just real life.

What's with the tsw rage? You guys came in thread crapping and flinging false bs around :).

EDIT: crapping, not "cropping".
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I tried TSW on a 3-day trail and ended up subbing for six months (paying $25 for the game). It's not a perfect game, but it's such a refreshing change of pace from the rest of the MMORPGs out there, that it's worth it to me. It's just fun.

BTW, I mostly play solo, but group with friends on some of the group missions.