Section 8: Prejudice - anyone still play?


Mar 26, 2005
I bought this game after watching TotalBiscuit's "Why We Can't Have Nice Things" video on it, and I've really enjoyed the game mechanics from the single player campaign so far. Does anyone still play? There's a thread on the game here already but it hasn't been touched in over six months. Unfortunately, my ping is a bit high on the Cynical Brit server that TB highlighted in his video.

Also, I have a question...does anyone know if unranked servers enable all of the unlocks (similar to other shooters)? One of the deciding factors for me in buying this was the fact that it actually had multiplayer bots (supposedly pretty decent ones even) to play with even if I can't find an occupied server, but I also understand that it only lets you progress towards getting the unlocks and levels if there's 4 real players on a server.

TB's video: