Securing OS with secret key combo - Question


Limp Gawd
Oct 3, 2006
I was wondering, at work when a screensaver is up, you have to use something like Ctrl + Shift + T in order to bring you to the log in screen. Is there a way I can set that up for home use?
Uhmmm... in Windows, pressing a key would automagically kill the screensaver and if you have it set to ask for a password or to log back in afterwards, that's pretty much the default.

Windows + L locks a workstation instantly, has done so since Windows 2000 came out and all versions of Windows since. There is a way to force users to press Control + Alt + Delete (the classic "Three Finger Salute") to bring up the login prompt; that method is considered to be the most secure of all. You'd make that change in the User Accounts part of Control Panel.