Seriously considering upgrading to Crossfired 4870s (512 MB)


Limp Gawd
Jun 19, 2008
I'm going to have about $350 cash coming my way soon, and I figure, hey, while I have the money, I might as well use it. Best Buy's got a VisionTek 4870 on sale for $250 right now, and I'm strongly considering upgrading to Crossfired 4870s, as it would beef up performance in games at 1920x1200, as well as allow me to run Folding@home with 2 TeraFLOPs of power instead of just one. Hehe. That being said though, I'm not heavily gaming right now or anything, nor do I really have any games at the moment that would benefit from dual 4870s. Any recommendations in that area too?
That being said though, I'm not heavily gaming right now or anything, nor do I really have any games at the moment that would benefit from dual 4870s. Any recommendations in that area too?
Then save your money. In six months there will be cards out that are leaps and bounds faster than what's currently offered. Only buy what you need to enjoy your computer and games :).
Then save your money. In six months there will be cards out that are leaps and bounds faster than what's currently offered. Only buy what you need to enjoy your computer and games :).

Best advice I've read in days... ;) :p