Setting SLI causes driver kernal to restart


Oct 19, 2002
Windows 7, latest NVIDIA drivers.

I restart my computer and then go to turn on SLI using "Maximize 3D performance" and I get a black screen then I get a notice that Windows has recovered a driver that failed.

Anyone know what's up?
Also. Just got a notice on Furmark (when I set the exe to SeriousSam.exe so it would SLI) that said "The NVIDIA OpenGL driver lost connection with the display driver and is unable to continue."

: Tried doing it a second time and my screens blacked out and the computer "died" and monitors shut off. Restarted and back in windows fine, but still WTF.

EDIT2: Ran furmark, seems to be working in SLI, but I'm getting terrible star-burst artifacts.
EDIT3: Did it again and this time it crashed with the OpenGL error.

EDIT4: Tried 3Dmark 11 and crashed after first few seconds. It did kick into SLI, because I had the visual indication for SLI enabled.

Edit5: Able to run everything since moving to 270.61

Edit6: Back to not being able to run anything, don't know what changed, didn't update drivers, did a restart between those times. Now I can't even load the League of Legends launcher without it crashing.

Edit7: Went to 266 drivers, crashed when setting it to "Maximize 3D performance", enabling SLI. Everything works fine before I set that setting.

EDIT8: went back to the original drivers (275.33), I can switch into SLI mode, but I get tearing in FurMark and if I set it to "force alternate frame rendering 1" then half the screen is tearing and the other half is fine. If I try to run Furmak at max rez 1920x1080 it freezes up my computer completely. 3Dmark will run, but it has crazy wavy red bars all throughout.

For reference.
When SLI enabled on 3DMark 11: P5834
When SLI disabld on 3DMark 11: P3507
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try an older driver version like the 266.92 or 270.61 and see what happens.
That got my 3DMark to run to completion. Got P5834 score. Used 270.61.
Funny thing is 3Dmark shows my driver as "LogMeIn Mirror Driver" :)
[ame=""] Corsair CMPSU-850TX 850-Watt TX Series 80 Plus Certified Power Supply compatible with Intel Core i7 and Core i5: Electronics@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]
That got my 3DMark to run to completion. Got P5834 score. Used 270.61.
Funny thing is 3Dmark shows my driver as "LogMeIn Mirror Driver" :)

interesting.. probably because you installed logmein before the drivers. so logmein gets added to the default drivers on the list instead of the nvidia drivers. happened with my network card since i had to replace mine, now everything says i'm using a tungle network adapter which is a VPN network and not an actual adapter :p
I am at a loss. You have pretty good parts on your computer. I am going to go with a corrupt Windows 7. A good old reformat should fix this.

I assume when you flash your BIOS, you probably do it through USB stick and do the override command right? Because I had this issue with my 280 GTX SLI on my EVGA 790i ULTRA SLI motherboard. When I did the override BIOS switch it fixed this. But this was in Vista. I also did crazy things like taking the cards out cleaning the copper connectors with isopropyl alcohol :)
Honestly going back to older drivers as suggested has proved to be the right answer. No crashes, no issues. SLI kicks in fine and proper. Life is good.

Got this today from just opening the League of Legends launcher.
Also noticed some tearing effects on my Submit Text (it's a text editor that uses DX9 to do some coloring and things)
I assume when you flash your BIOS, you probably do it through USB stick and do the override command right?

I've never flashed the bios on the nvidia 460s at all.

EDIT: Updated 2nd post in this thread with all of what happened.

Basically the driver that was working really well for me stopped working well and I couldn't even load up the League of Legends launcher without crashing.
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Went through and got the latest BIOS and set it on my first card as my second already had it and was where I got the BIOS file from to write to the first one.
With 270.61 I can run 3Dmark again now, but it still has crazy colored boxes appearing everywhere on my screen.

edit: restarted and my computer had white boxes everywhere and the bootup had moving boxes too.
I flashed backed to the backup flash and that fixed the boxes, but apparently my drivers were messed up so I'm reinstalling them.

EDIT2: my 2nd video card is now not being recognized, GPUZ shows it as having an unknown bios and nvflash shows it as "Unconfigured display adpter found, device not accessible". Shows up in device manager as having no drivers. Also to note GPUz reports it as PCI-E instead of PCI-E 2.0 like the other card and like it did before this mess.
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Things went pear-shaped now. I reset my BIOS to see if that would help. Now when I boot up my computer it takes 3minutes when it used to take 1 minute. Also now it won't restart, when I restart or shutdown my computer it closes all the apps and just hangs at the wallpaper.
Things went pear-shaped now. I reset my BIOS to see if that would help. Now when I boot up my computer it takes 3minutes when it used to take 1 minute. Also now it won't restart, when I restart or shutdown my computer it closes all the apps and just hangs at the wallpaper.

Can you put your SLI cards in another PC to test them? This is sounding more like a motherboard issue than a videocard issue.
managed to recover, tried putting the 2nd video card in its own computer and walla, it is dead, I get a bunch of tiny white boxes everywhere that disappear only where the cursor is.
My computer with the 1st and original video card is fine.
managed to recover, tried putting the 2nd video card in its own computer and walla, it is dead, I get a bunch of tiny white boxes everywhere that disappear only where the cursor is.
My computer with the 1st and original video card is fine.

In summary. Second video card is exhibiting artifacts and and now is dead and video card number one isn't replicating any of the issues the second video card is exhibiting correct?

This was easy! RMA video card number two. DEFECTIVE!

case closed?
Seems like case closed, except I got the card from someone on [H] and apparently after asking them they got it from someone on [H] who took the sticker off the screws the hold on the heatsink and thus invalidated the warranty.