sexy/sleek laptops - the more unique the better


Limp Gawd
Nov 3, 2002
I've seen lots of threads about people asking what is the best laptop. I have to say answering that is so different each time...if there truly was a best out there, everyone'd buy it.

Anyway, what are some of the best looking, sexy, sleek laptops out there? I know Alienware's laptops are downright eyecatching...but pricey.

I also like CyberPower's Centrinos...they have some nice colors going for them, especially for the price.

I guess one of the things I'm looking to buy soon is a laptop, but I do not intend to have it be a replacement for my desktop. That being said, looks take a slightly bigger emphasis, being a toolkit/remote work sort of laptop for me, and I'm looking for a slightly inexpensive yet sexy looking laptop. :)

Any other suggestions?