Shopping for 24" Monitor...'n00bie'...please HELP


Limp Gawd
Jan 4, 2005
197 finally i got a new desk that made myself and time to get rid of this 4 year old 17" Dell CRT

I'm 99% sure i want to get Dell 2405...i am not going to wait for the 3007 because ACTUALLY there is such thing as too i dont want anything bigger then 24"

There is also that FW900...but again that thing is too big in size and heavy...but i am considering it.

I have Nvidia 6600GT
right now i run at this resolution

but it goes up to this< you guys think my video card can handle it?

Also i game a lot, i think the crt would be better for gaming but what baout the dell one?

Your 6600GT can handle the 2405's native resolution (1920x1200) for desktop applications and such, but whether or not it can run your games at that resolution with eye candy and decent framerates is subject to controversy. It depends on the game, and what you like to run it with.

However, it should be noted that obviously the monitor can scale down to resolutions that can be more manageable for a card of your calibre, such as 1280x1050. That would allow you to have better framerates obviously. The screen won't look as good, but usually when you're playing a shooter or something that doesn't matter so much because you're runnign around so much.
oh ok

thanks man, but i mean the monitor wont lag because of refresh rate if i play bf2 or hl2?
also i am going to buy Nvidia BFG 7800 GTX either 256 or 512 after i buy the monitor

so on that it should run much better
Dr.Makavelli said:
oh ok

thanks man, but i mean the monitor wont lag because of refresh rate if i play bf2 or hl2?

I think you mean response time, not refresh rate. and no, it should not cause lag. The Dell 2405 has a decent refresh rate, I forget what it is numerically, either 16ms or 12ms I'm guessing. Either one is fairly good. I haven't heard too many people complaining about ghosting/image tearing on the 2405.... in fact I haven't heard many people complaining about anything on the 2405 hahaha. That being said, it's a great monitor and I want one... Now i just need to decide what I want more.... a motorcycle or a 24" LCD haha...

Yeah a 7800gtx will be MUCH better for gaming at those resolutions... obviously. :)
I vastly prefer gaming on my FW900 to the Samsung 940B 8ms LCD that I owned for a week. This is aside from the size/aspect difference. The blurring/bright darks really bugged me. As for weight -- I've only had to lift it onto my desk once so far ;)

Do be aware though that if you get a bad monitor, there will be the hassle of waiting to get it replaced and all (if you buy from ruminahui2 on ebay he supposedly pays shipping for DoA monitors so that's a plus). There's also an extended warranty available but I don't know how good the warranty is; there's still chance involved, especially since these are used and there can be lots of tiny things wrong with them (i.e. the geometry is off on mine). The majority of people in the FW900 thread seemed to have good experiences, but I believe even those who had bad ones still ended up with either a decent monitor or their money back.

Anyways, I love being able to run at whatever res I want. I play Far Cry at 1920x1200, FEAR at 1440x900, and some other things at 1680x1050. Also, while the 2405FPW is 1.5" more viewable, the resolution on the FW900 can actually go higher if your card supports it. Mine doesnt, so I keep my desktop at 1920x1200 and it suits me perfectly.

I realize this post is a little unorganized, but I hope it suffices to say gaming on this thing is a dream :) if you have the space for it and are willing to risk a little hassle if you get a bad one, it's a good buy.

*edit* also don't forget that while a 7800GTX will probably run anything decently at 1920x1200 now, it will probably start to slip in just a few months (on games such as TES IV). You'll have to constantly shell out more cash if you want to always run everything at 1920x1200.
Good info, thanks guys

I ording my 2405 from

so i can return it or exchnage it whenever i want
it cost $999 over there...but who cares i rather pay $200 bux more then on ebay and knowing i can return whenever i want and get a new one :D