Show Off Your Server Setup

I need a 42u rack... but I have this...

I just love this shot...


Nice. I used to have a Proliant with 8 Xeons, it made me laugh first time I opened the Task Manager performance tab and saw the CPU graphs :)
Solaris 10 is also a steaming pile of crap to put it gently. Unlike others, I actually work with this crap on a daily basis, and have to deal with the increasing levels of incompetence coming out of Sun. I may as well be running Windows - every answer is 'restore from tape.' And I'm running this on some very large hardware with Gold and Plat support contracts.

I'm sorry to hear you feel that way. I work with Solaris 10 every day too, and while it has its quirks I like better than Windows anywhere or Linux on the server. I'm running on ancient Sparc hardware, and it performs okay given its age, and is very stable. When I loaded Solaris on a flaky piece of hardware it immediately gave me notification that something was wrong and told me that I should look at fmdump for more details. I haven't been lucky enough to work with recent hardware under Solaris, but it'd be awfully hard to ruin my impression at this point.

I will gladly admit, however, that I'd rather not use Sparc hardware... but budget takes precedence over preference, unfortunately. When we replace them we'll be using x86 boxes that cost less and perform better.

Under what circumstances were you told to restore from tape? If you're running ZFS I feel no pity for you. It's a neat idea, but it's still beta quality software IMO. I'm running it in production, but in our environment restoring from tape isn't a devastating occurrence.
Have you found that the zfs file system often fails for you?
I haven't ever had it fail on me, personally, but if you check the zfs-discuss archives you'll see a good dozen people whose pools have died under unreproducible circumstances. The ZFS developers are very sympathetic, and ask about diagnostics that might fix things, but generally at the end of the day the answer is "Go to tape".